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Posts posted by Razorback

  1. Fellas it comes down to calories, plain and simple. Graduating high school in 2000 at 18 years old I weighed 135-140. By 22 I was at the same weight and still pretty pissed off that I couldn't gain, even when taking myoplex mass and other stuff. I finally realized it was going to take even more eating because truly, anyone can gain weight, and anyone can lose weight. It just depends on caloric intake. I also have an insane metabolism -- what you have to do is eat high calorie meals every 3-4 hours. I just made sure I started eating the minute I got up in the morning and I would try to eat something every 1-2 hours, whether I was hungry or not. A lot of people had suggested to me to only weigh myself once a week. I found it was more encouraging to weigh myself daily as even seeing a pound of increase gave me hope that I could keep gaining. You need to watch what you eat, and be sure to work out so you don't put on a lot of fat weight. Oh and currently I weigh 197. ;) Trying to get to 210 by pool season.
  2. Class of '00 for me -- 10 yr approaching. I'm not sure if I'll even go when the time comes. I went to Gahanna, and had a graduating class of around 600 give or take 30-50. Needless to say I didn't really know about 580 of them. Aside from 4 or 5 that I actually hung out with, all the rest either never were a blip on my radar or were complete assholes who weren't worthy of a moment of my time. So having said that, it's doubtful I'll go as I doubt most of them have become worth my time in the years that have passed. :)
  3. I'm actually kind of liking it. It's been a great opportunity to buy stocks dirt cheap. I just wanted it to last through December so I can pick up a buncha shares off of capital gains, and then it is free to recover. While it's low though, I'd recommend buying in with as much $$ as you can spare -- this should be $$ that would be long-term savings cash otherwise -- as someone else said, don't use money that's usually for monthly bills, etc.
  4. I also am very sorry to hear that, that's absolutely horrible. I often worry about that kind of thing w/ my dad as he is constantly on different meds, etc for his heart. I wish you and your family the best. :(


    And to answer your question, it definitely sounds like med. malpractice to me. I'd see a lawyer immediately. Remember that the bottom line is that you're not trying to get rich off of the incident, you're trying to ensure this clown can't hurt anybody else's parents with his ignorance.

  5. I have most of my cash in diversified mutual funds and the funds have lost about 50% of their value over the past 18 months. I think things are pretty much bottoming out, so I've been buying shares dirt cheap recently.
  6. I used both a wet kit (up to 150 shot on my 96 GT and up to a 100 shot on my current Cobra motor) and a dry kit (steady 125 shot). Had good luck with both kits. The wet kits in my opinion are more reliable as far as mixture, but the dry kits are definitely safer.
  7. Well, I hadn't seen that yet -- today was very busy at work so I didn't get much of a break to read any news, but given previous statements by both her and McCain, they have been trying to blame the media for a lot of their bad campaigning lately. As many reporters have said, this fingerpointing usually happens when a campaign is failing and running out of time, which seems accurate given the circumstances. Bottom line though -- when you target your opponent with criticism, that is defined as an attack. I don't know what dictionary Palin was raised with, but that's why the various news stations label them as going negative -- because they are, and they will continue to do so. Palin just wants to be able to attack Obama without people getting irritated, but most people don't like the negative attacks. They want to know what YOU as a candidate are going to do, not hear about your "translations" of the other guy's policies, or whether or not they would make a good President. People can and will make that determination on their own.
  8. I'm not going to dig into all of the stuff being discussed, but just a comment on JTP -- the good thing is that the few polling samples I've seen on this subject, as well as people I've talked to at work (I work in a pretty big building with a variety of people who have very differing views) show that most people are sick to death of hearing about JTP, so I say hell yeah. Get JTP out there spouting off and it should help the Obama turnout. I know everytime I see or hear about JTP, I go talk to somebody about making sure they get out the vote for O. :D
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