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Everything posted by Boxxbanger1

  1. Im not feeling the fenders or mirrors. Aside from that the rest of it looks sweet.
  2. HAhahhaha.... That guy is getting his moneys worth...
  3. I guess I just need to keep what I have until it splits in half.
  4. Including the Valley Girdles that are still in the box, Cometic head gaskets unopened, windage tray that mounts to the main girdle. Would that up the value much???
  5. I was asking what it would be worth because I am thinking of selling my spare stuff. My pockets are not that deep.
  6. I think I am going to go for the Boss Block. Any idea what a DSS 331 SuperPro short block is worth used? It would be disassembled and minus Rods. It would have Forged Pro-Lite flat top pistons with it.
  7. I am giving some thought to getting a better block and I thought I would see if anyone here has any advise/input to Dart, R or Boss engine blocks. I am making 510whp now, and I wanna run more boost. Any thoughts? Anyone know someone looking to sell one of these blocks??
  8. dont know if anyone knows any info, but im hoping. Im looking at buying a building for my detail shop, but it used to be a gas station. the tanks are still in the ground and they have not been used for about 30 years maybe even longer. the guy that owns the building and is looking to sell has had it most of his life for his mechanic shop. he is in his 70's and wanting to retire. and the building is his retirement fund. i know he cant afford to pay to have the tanks removed and neither can i. is there any government funding or assistance avalibale to have old fuel tanks removed? im really worried about the chance of them leaking. i stuck a long pole down the full hole and it was still wet at the bottom, but maybe it just hasent leaked all the way out. any info would be appreciated....
  9. if anyone wants to buy the mystery injectors ill sell them for the be3st offer... they are low impedence. and i have no idea what pound they are supposed to be.. but they have good o-rings and caps on them.
  10. damn, my old cam sounds awsome in your car. glad i got to meet you sunday, and thanks again for the help. your cars awsome man.
  11. ahh, i guess you do have a procharger for sale... i dont doubt its a good deal, but its a little more than i have to spend. i dont figure you want to split the kit up or not but if you dont sell it soon please let me know.
  12. well he changed the oil this morning to be on the safe side, and the engine isnt ticking anymore. i guess the fresh fuel diluted the kero enough... sees to be doing ok now. if it blows up in the next couple days ill let you all know thanks for the insite
  13. ok, my dad and his drunk friends were parting tonight. the wife of one guy ran her car out of gas... so the drunks grabbed the gas can to add fuel.... i just looked at what they did and the gas can was full of kerosene. they got about 2 gallons of kero in the tank and drove it to the gas station (1-2 miles) and filled it up with 87 octane. now the valve are ticking like crazy.... the put some STP fuel cleaner in the tank also. a friend told me to have them drain the oil. add new oil + 1 qt. of ATF fluid?????????? What is the best thing they can do to save the car????? its a 97 ford taurus
  14. thanks for the reply's. i really was not sure of what they meant. so now i guess im ok to go with a bigger lift cam. im anxious as hell to get this engine back together.
  15. im reading a back issue of MM&FF mag. they have the cylinder head test article. they have a column listed as "coil bind"??? what is that. is that the max lift you can run on a particular head? they show the AFR 185's as having a .700, but afr rates these at a max lift of .550 can someone explain this to me?
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