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Posts posted by Buckeye23

  1. I took an A5 on a test drive up at Byers last year, the car is a blast to drive. Very smooth. I also took the new C300 out for a test drive last year as well, and that was nearly $40k and had no real options on it, very bland/boring interior. My Scion at the time had more going for it on the inside.


    Ultimately, I picked up an 08 A4 Quattro MT. But if I could've afforded the A5, I would taken that in a heart beat. If you have the means to get an A5, do it.

  2. Acacia Strain - Skynet

    Amon Amarth - Twighlight of the Thunder God, Runes To My Memory, Under the Northern Star

    Austrian Death Machine - Get to the Choppa

    Between the Buried and Me - Mordecai, Ad a Dglgmut

    Decaptiated - Spheres of Madness, Winds of Creation

    Emmure - 10 Signs You Should Leave

    The Faceless - The Ancient Covenant

    Machine Head - Astetics of Hate

    Meshuggah - Rational Gaze, Bleed, Obzen

    Six Feet Under - Ghosts of the Undead, War Machine

    Suicide Silence - No Pity For a Coward, Bludgeoned to Death

    Swallow the Sun - No Light, No Hope

  3. ha. just got my CCW cert today. now just gotta go down to the S.O. and get my permit


    I got my certificate that I passed the course also back in mid-March. I just haven't made my appointment to get my CCW permit yet.


    Also, the Ohio Senate is supposed to vote on "Castle Doctrine" in the next 2 weeks. Hopefully it will pass. Strickland is for it, I like the chances.

  4. I still dont understand the point of his post though. The chick would have hit his car no matter what side of the car he was getting into.


    We don't exactly know that. Just rereading the OP, it sounds like the only damage to his car was the door and left front fender, which I'm assuming is from the door being bent forward. You could be right. The only person that could tell us, would be the OP.


    He was mad she hit his car. Who cares if he broke a law that I would hazard a guess that 99.9% of us break every day by getting in the car on the drivers side.


    And rightfully so. Any of us would be mad. But how many of us actually knew that before the law was posted? I know I didn't and I'd have to agree with you that probably everyone here didn't know that either.

  5. Now please, show me the law where it's okay to drink, drive and crash into a car, but you are not responsible for the damage because someone was getting into the vehicle you struck.


    Seriously, are you now going to say it wasn't her fault she was drinking in the first place? That it was the bars/friends/alcohol establishments fault for supplying her the booze? Or hell maybe it wasn't her fault for driving at all, maybe its the car dealerships fault for selling her a car in the first place.


    I mean give this girl a Silver fucking platter why don't you.


    LOL...that's hilarious.


    All he says is..."You may not realize..."


    Then you guys bust on him and demand he show proof, he posts the law and now that your arguement is blown up you pull this weak shit out? LOL


    It sucks that the OP's car got hit, not only his car, but several others by his account. I also don't doubt the fact that had a sober person been driving the odds of this happening would've been EXTREMELY remote, but when it comes down to the nuts and bolts of the situation, the OPs door did cause a hazard.


    Hope you can fix your car for cheap man. Hit the junkyards and craigslist.


    edit: Also, so there's no question...I'm not condoning this girl's action either. Driving drunk is not a joke and should not be tolerated.

  6. has anyone heard that the democrats are blaming bush for katrina even happend. that if al gore had been elected in 2000, katrina would have never hit new orleans. because gore's global warming plans would have prevented it, and bush didnt do enough. first off, how in the fuck can you be stupid enough to say somthing as retrarded as that. and isnt it common knowledge yet that global warming isnt real? ive heard the liberals say alot of stupid things im my time (which is very much time) but that is by far the most agrivating and stupid thing to date.


    Global warming has nothing to do with it, because if global warming was the cause for an increase in hurricanes in the Atlantic, then there should be an increase in hurricanes in the Pacific. And the hurricane season for the Pacific has been relatively non-existent. Can't have one without the other, but don't try explaining it to that crackpot Cindy Sheehan.

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