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Posts posted by deputylightning

  1. [/qb]

    I'm guessing that they say it ended there becouse that was the last place they saw him, after all the Police Interceptor Crown Victoria tops out at 132 mph [/QB]


    the interceptor tops out at 132 mph.




    try slightly higher than that

  2. i don't know about other places but we have to show at court so that doesn't work in all area's. if all else fails go in and plead no contest and ask to explain or plead not guilt and upon testifing state that you know you were doing like 70 or 71 to 72 mph and knew it was wrong but if you had thought you were doing 82 you would have slowed it down. most of the time the judge will fine you on the admission of guilt of going your stated speed not the radared speed. this is due to most know that factory cars are of up to 3 to 4 mph than the read and that changing tires ride height or width will throw them off a little more.

    might help might not.

  3. i know most of you guys use one dyno guy up in columbus, can he dyno tune and if so what type of chips or what type of chip does he have to tune for my 2000 CUX2 lightning, right now i have a superchip flipchip.
  4. reach area is a warrantless search and legal, and pc is a warrantless search and legal. K9 hitting as to possible drugs is legal warrantless search.

    search incident to arrest is legal with out search warrant and so is search incident to towing for legal grounds i.e. dui, dus, parked on roadway and such

  5. might be doing random searchs, you know just ask to do a consented search on randomly stopped vehicles to help set a preset paper trail of normaly asking for and doing random searchs so that some one can't say that asking them was being racial or profiling
  6. make sure you stop and get the permits, they are having us and the game warden not counting the rangers checking them. if you guys get down this way and need something i'll give you my pager number if you want, this way if you break down or something its nice to have a local to call. i'm off that day but sold the ATV long ago.


    pm me if you want it

  7. our last chief deputy, about 6 years ago, was doing a "training execise" and pulled a hiden gun that he had in the jail and fired what he thought was blanks. this was at another deputy.


    the end result:

    one deputy shot in the knee, off the job for life on disablity

    one chief deputy indicted by grand jury and plead guilt and got a suspended sentence and fired with alot of comm service.

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