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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. This kind of reminds me of a GI Joe PSA, with a kid that just says a bunch of words strung together that makes no real sense at all. This thread is awesome.
  2. Yes, because I could hear that through the fuzzy camera and the loud cars over the announcer's voice, and wrote it all down in addition.
  3. I forgot I read this earlier today, and have plainly missed the meeting time.
  4. LOL all of those secret theater videos are hilarious. I love the one with Raiden. Edit: lol here it is, "Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser"
  5. Wow, I have no idea where this thread went.
  6. You tea bagged me last weekend, so you met me before last night.
  7. Polysics - I My Me Mine http://youtube.com/watch?v=j-Dg3QMfWgQ
  8. If Ben makes me feel like I am slow, Danny Popp makes me feel like life has no meaning.
  9. lol I like how everyone thinks I said that street racing is bad, even the people on my side. I said its not a good idea to walk around a parking lot full of strangers going "Hey, wanna race? $20" Edit: Sorry if I ended up offending some people. Internet is serious business.
  10. Rushing to get the MR2 done, head came off today. I have to send it to CarQuest to get inspected and possibly milled, then if all goes well its what I am driving the rest of the season. Edit:....or the head could be complete trash, and I would be up a certain proverbial creek, without a paddle.
  11. They just changed the camera angle to a less shitty one. Its still shitty, though.
  12. Tyler, you slut! Our friendship is over~!
  13. lol that was taken like 2 or 3 years ago when we were doing network upgrades at Whempys.
  14. Ah hell fuck it, I may come out anyway.
  15. Probably not for a few months, although I don't know to be honest. They have to edit everything, and then promote it.
  16. Something just happened, something big. They said "we have never experienced something like this in the history of Pinks" They announcer said he cant announce it yet. Edit: 32 cars instead of 16 for the All Out round, thats pretty awesome. They said they had 32 cars within a 10th of a second.
  17. *yawn* Really, where the hell is Marc. i am not even slightly agitated.
  18. Meetings and Events section, the thread about tonight. Told Linn going around asking for races is bad, insert a flame here, an insult there.
  19. I like how I made 1 objective statement, and then got flamed by the entire board hahaha
  20. The RX-7 is my race car. Thats like saying that, because NASCAR drivers or whatever don't necessarily own their own team, they shouldn't have pictures of them racing on their wall.
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