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Posts posted by COLD AIR

  1. Yes 12.4 is good, but with all the trash i figured a mid/low 11 car also.


    I have went 11.9 at 119 on my stock turbo, on pump gas and i do not say a word. Hell i went 12.9 at 76mph with two people in the car and stock clutch giving before the 1/8 and still trapped 91mph at the 1/8.

    Years ago a low 12. street car got you #1 on the CR LIST
  2. Basically what you are saying is that you could not fulfill her needs. Its that simple if you arent gettin what you need in a relationship you find it elsewhere.






    You dont get it do you ( I am the one getting the 3 out of 10 )


    maybe its guys like you that make it all happen for guys like me

  3. News Flash


    All of you guys who said they would not cheat, well i got news for you 3 out of 10 of your other half are cheating! I am the proof


    A wise man once said (you just lease the pussy, she can give it to any one she wants to at any time

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