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About v6grandprixgt98

  • Birthday 09/09/1985

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Grove City
  • Vehicles(s)
    Pontiac Grand Prix GT

v6grandprixgt98's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Very nice car you have! I will inform Andrea that there is a video of her car. She is from Dayton so I don't think she is on CR. If you post it I will let her know.
  2. I'm going to buy it back but I don't plan to fix it for a long time. I have had some good offers on the motor and trans that will help the pain a little!
  3. Car is totaled. Good news is they will account for any work done to the car within the last year. Which happens to be the heads, cam, new engine, coilovers, new radiator, alternator.
  4. Sorry this picture came from my phone but you can get an idea. http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/4638/pic0011kl8.jpg
  5. If it weren't for the wheel being jammed up in the against the wheel well I would feel much better.
  6. 98, sent it to True Performance.
  7. Today at lunch some guy in a lexus pulled out in front of me and smacked me pretty good. Wheel is shoved into the well plus all the damage you see. I have a feeling the car will be totaled so I am in the market for a car. Heres a list of what I'm looking for. If only I didn't decide to go to tuttle mall to try and pre order smash bro's. Trans Am WS6 /w LS1 GTO /w LS1 or LS2 Subaru WRX 2002+ Cobra 97-03 Grand Prix GTP (I don't want 04+) Looking for under 60k miles and under $15,000 manual trans only on all but GP. Know of anything pass it may way. I don't want any heavily modified cars. http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/3358/dscn2713lh7.jpg http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/5913/dscn2715vc7.jpg
  8. I know most people probably already know but wanted to say I was pleased with Slowmotion Motorsports price and service for getting my nitrous bottle filled. At 3.00 a lb It kills Jeggs prices! Just wanted to show some support so this service is offered at this price for a long time!
  9. I have had my tails tinted with nightshades for two years. I have gotten pulled over for them three times but never got a ticket. Hilliard told me I needed reflectors on my lights and to go buy some at the auto store and stick em on. Norwalk told me I needed to take my tail light covers off. and OSP told me he thought I turned my lights off when I turned the corner. I personally think they look best tinted dark on black cars.
  10. 50 shot just spare tire removed
  11. Sucked waiting in line and only making two passes but I'm pleased I got a pb
  12. Congrats man! Are you going to Whempys tonight? My buddy with the WRX is trying to lose some weight. I don't know if you remember talking to him at the last Whempys or not about the WRX but if your gonna be there come tell me how you lost the weight I think it may help him get a little more motivated if he heard you telling me your success story.
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