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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. one day tickets are gone. YOu have to get 2 day tickets. Would love to see STP buy not at this type of venue.
  2. GM has done that in the past. you could buy a one of the full size trucks and got a cobalt for free.
  3. on what grounds was he fired for? Edit: did he file charges against the guy that hit him?
  4. both the Minivan and mazda get 400 miles to the tank. have ti fill up every other week.
  5. Skinner


    you forget the beging part it should read or where the image is located. welcome BTW
  6. Skinner

    Obama Tax Return

    are you sure there? quick search found me this http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22767392/ quote from article ok his word he could be lieing here is a link with his church info http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,300135,00.html quote from article. second source says same thing http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/11/28/AR2007112802757.html?hpid=topnews yet another quote . ah it was his stepfather not him. so again try using google was very easy to find, search critieria was "Obama Relgion" all 3 expample were on the first page. right right you can't but I will believe it if it comes from a neutral source like msnbc fox or the somewhere else that is creditable. I have and there is a bunch of shit out there that has zero fact to back it up. Before you say its fact and believe it to be true maybe you should consider the source from were it came from first. Wait.. thats right everything you see on the internet is the truth? Right?
  7. Skinner

    Obama Tax Return

    She’s a drama queen. I'm sure he took a payout going into politics and was probably a bit of a life style change for them as well. IT all depends on what you are accustomed too. If you were used to say a $100k income a here and it was cut in half could you still live and function? Yes. Would you have to make some changes? Absolutely. can't watch this at work.
  8. Skinner

    Obama Tax Return

    Just because his parents (mother I believe) was a muslium and was given a muslium name does make him muslium. before you make a blanket statement like thatmybe you should spend oh.... 30 seconds on google wher you will see he is a active christian and has gone to the same church (his words) for over 20 years. By your thought process anyone with a name of German decent must be nazis right?
  9. Skinner

    Obama Tax Return

    where have they ever said they were underpaid?
  10. Skinner


    welcome to the board. Sounds like a nicely built car, lookingforward to pics.
  11. Right now I am taking a break from working out do to have surgery and my boys being sick but am startin back up on Monday. Mon and Wed: I work my arms and upper body till muslce fatigue and work my back lower back and core. Tue and Thrus: I work my legs pretty hard and run plus do cardio as for diet I eat good I will eat around 2000 caloires making sure that atleast 1500 of the calories are protien. (chicken, eggs, cheese, ect) I also try to eat about a pound of veggies a day. My only weekness is pop and will have 1 a day.
  12. stalker ???? just because Brian post in a thread doesn't make a funny thread. Although he is quiet the funny, Brian post don't always = funny.
  13. run why you can! http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/pEggpT.jpg
  14. welcome to the Board. Side note. If your first mod is to do a engine swap you're starting out with the wrong car.
  15. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/HYLwwb.jpg
  16. Maybe its just me but that price seems high for a ls1 GTO.
  17. haha I haven't touched you post I have been busy working.
  18. holy crap Shawn could you stuff any more crap in your systray?
  19. Why man up to it? It's obvious that I did it. Let me teach you something but the forum here when ever you edit a post it will show a name and timestamp of when it was done and by whom. If you have any bit of common sense and reading comprehension greater that a rock you see and understand that. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/IT3sx7.jpg
  20. wow my own thread, look guys I'm special! Oh and Chris your the only one in here with bitch tits. OH and White just like your otehr thread this one is full of fail as well.
  21. truff. All in all I don't think he as ever not said a bad thing about any car except for the Veryon or the Atom that I can remember.
  22. http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o85/mikewill18/FAIL.jpg
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