this was rdone real quick in paint
hope it helps
Are you wanting to buy a new one? are you trying to sell this one? If your seliing it post a price or the thread will be locked.
Come on man I know you got a lot going on family wise but you know how things work around here.
in internet explorer right click on the link and click on create shortcut then paste that in the address bar. the properties window will not always show the entire link if its too long.
The first part was interesting. the second part was basicly a revised version of Loose change. wasn't able to watch the last half hour of it but what I did see was good and makes you think but as mentioned its only one side of the story.
back when we did our landscaping we bought 15 yards from jones for around $400. It covered my entire driveway and the pile was 4 ft high. It sucked ass moving it.