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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. I disagree. I voted for him because I though he was the lesser of the two evils. As for 2012 don't know if i will vote for him till I have a chance to see who the republican candidate is.
  2. if its summer only thing do this. http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/7274/photoin.jpg
  3. http://sfwchan.com/pics/14208399.jpg
  4. my guess would be a original mini.
  5. that's a smart idea have 2 stores in the same area of town.
  6. if you have a gas line that is leaking you need to call the gas company now.
  7. Futons are filled with foam. you will not be able to remove all the piss. Personally if I was the room mate I would want it replaced.
  8. Skinner

    To Paul:

    the jail cell in PIB is a old bank safe IIRC.
  9. in the 8years we have lived here the power has gone out maybe once or twice.
  10. Skinner


    haven't seen it but when I saw the previews all I could think of was Dreamscape.
  11. could be worst at least they aren't caughting on fire... oh wait. http://www.boygeniusreport.com/2010/07/08/iphone-4-catches-fire/
  12. Skinner


    last I heard Alaska was still part of the U.S. did anything change recently?
  13. Skinner


    3 grand for a 10 grand truck plus the seller takes care of shipping? SCAM. or the deal of a lifetime.
  14. You're right since it was on top of her clothes then that makes it ok.
  15. he plead out. If he wasn't guilty why make a deal. fucker got what he deserved. Only fucked up thing with the article is he is now getting 3 mill. If the article is real.
  16. he molested a child. I'd say he got off easy.
  17. the kid that made the video was fired from best buy when he wouldn't take it down.
  18. I watched a show on how they built the engines they are far from being hand built. They have the complete motor minus intake manifold in under 10 minutes. That was for the Z06 BTW.
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