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Everything posted by 88lx5oh

  1. spools are more stable.. the one without spool.. will fit any bike no matter if you have spools or not. spools will run you about $20 or higher. so if you dont have spools the his will work great all my bike shave center stand so i dont need a rear stand. but if i was gonna pick another rear stand up it would be like his.. jsut cause i work on alot of different bike, and it would go from biek to bike easily
  2. no.. the one he has lifts by the swing arm, not by spools
  3. got one with spool hook ups.. $20 its yours
  4. looks like to long of a snout to be a pure bred boxer
  5. edited first post for more info and links
  6. ahh man .. work somethign out .. you gotta go
  7. i just reserved the cabin. will need money if you want to go by august 7th
  8. august 28th - 30th leave friday morning come back sunday night i reserved a cabin that sleeps up to 6 at the Iron Horse http://www.ironhorsenc.com i have as of now me and 2 other people going for sure locked in. with maybe a 4th i will be wanting up to 6 people going. could be more im sure we could squeeze some people on the floor in sleeping bags anyways total for the weekend is $550 for the cabin so $91 plus tax per person for the entire weekend, if six go. so figure $100 like i said first 6 with cash up front lock there spot in the cabin, i have me and 2 others paid for. here is the link for the actual cabin down there i reserved. http://ironhorsenc.com/accommodations_fullcabins_homestead.html if your in, you can paypal me the cash or meet me somewhere and write me a check or cash. ill fill you in later on exact time we will be leaving friday as well as a good place to meet and leave from.
  9. pics of the car with CCW wheels?
  10. that was setup... but cool none the less
  11. better hurry it might get taken down http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nxfk-urIFOY
  12. M-F and the hrs would range from 8-5 9-6 10-7 or 11-8 we just took over the california location so they are needing some new people in
  13. wish i could go berto, that place is amazing.. more riding than anyone can know what to do with
  14. well i started out at $13 hr then after 4 months I was at like $16.90 they bump you up a lot once you get hired on sorry forgot to log off my husbands name lol
  15. i think i made that in like 06 lol
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