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Everything posted by TurboRust

  1. http://www.warnerchappell.com/wcm_2/images/clear.gifhttp://www.warnerchappell.com/wcm_2/images/selectmedia_l.gif Happy Birthday To You 1935 http://www.warnerchappell.com/wcm_2/images/btn_lic_req.gif http://www.warnerchappell.com/wcm_2/images/order_mech_lic.jpg http://www.warnerchappell.com/wcm_2/images/selectmedia_r.gifhttp://www.warnerchappell.com/wcm_2/images/clear.gifhttp://www.warnerchappell.com/wcm_2/images/clear.gifhttp://www.warnerchappell.com/wcm_2/images/clear.gifhttp://www.warnerchappell.com/wcm_2/images/clear.gifHill, Mildred J., Hill, Patty Smith Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday Dear anthony Happy Birthday To You
  2. TurboRust

    Hey CR

    sounds sexy.. engine pics?
  3. exactly, my job definately doesnt define whether i'm happy or not.
  4. DOWNTOAN in the house.... pm me a tire size mang I'll hook you up.
  5. You dont understand me then.. lemme explain I work 55+ hrs at work 6 days a week and then work in the garage at home.. why? Because i'm 24 and mostly on top of my debt, and I dont want to have it until i'm 40 like 90% of america. I want to sit money in the bank and when i'm 45-50 years old, then bam I'm done working. Life isnt horrible working alot if you have goals and know what you're working for Brian I think it depends where you're at.. if you've got 100k sitting in your bank account then ya quit.. But if you can use the extra money and have to think about sending the little ones through college and stuff, then its the responsible mature decision to stay. Very few people love their work, however those same people are usually loaded and dont have to worry about a thing.
  6. mint car, cheap ass fucking tires....cmon mang you gotta roll on radial t/a's or firehawks. Sadly I see this on classics all the time. oh its a show car i just need some whitewalls that are 4 for $99
  7. TurboRust


    i woulda punched her in the fucking ovary.. i mean for christ's sakes what was her deal?
  8. its like an 8 hr swap if you know what you're doing and have all the parts.
  9. sorry i had to... see sig. Corey put it back together we'll all pitch in and help.
  10. i looked like 12.80..boo
  11. i need a vid of my car if anyones got one. hopefully it was a cold clutch run and not a hot clutch run
  12. its a guess but remember foxes were lighter than sn95's.. so it may sit higher.. how low do you wanna go?
  13. Sorry Mike... whatd you trap? we need to get a roll on. do you have gears?
  14. they'll work cause i have fox ones in the front of mine now
  15. Casey your car is slow.. i can think of 2 mustangs(mine and the black 96-98 with a vortech)beating about 95% of the cars at cr's track day.
  16. scott you have it all wrong... daves buttcrack goes halfway to his shoulder blades.... true fucking story.
  17. 60' prizes can be picked up in reynoldsburg pm me for directions.
  18. Eric dont make me keep you in check.. obviously your bro aint doing a good enough job with the spray... best recognize biotch. Mach 1's unite *cough* preston start spraying you're the weak link holding us down*cough*
  19. nice pics... i shoulda raced in the right lane more I guess
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