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Everything posted by TurboRust

  1. I'll give you 250 on friday for it
  2. how many psi do you wanna run? 20ish?then the super 60, 10-15psi then the 60 trim
  3. woot! me, des, and andy will be there
  4. more importantly is it a 3.0 OHV or DOHC
  5. whats a "lil body work" consist of.. I have a friend lookign for one, but wants the body to be mostly straight
  6. I have a spare turbocoupe rim 16x7 same lug pattern if you're interested, 40 without tire or 60 with a good tire( i have a few choices of size) lemme know, Derek
  7. congrats man, hopefully she doesn't turn into the bridal monster like mine has. pm your cell number if you have one.
  8. might have a friends interested in it, do you have the 4 lugs for sale or are you keeping em?
  9. you say 5 lug conv. but have 4 lug wheels in the pics... different wheels now? any known problems with it other than whats listed?
  10. just talked to dave he'll be there bout 930.
  11. dont worry I'll let dave drive it when I get done TJ. Just wanted to keep it close, it'll be damn near right across the street from him lol.
  12. Pics sent Morabu, and thanks for the lead Alex. Derek [ 08. February 2005, 03:15 AM: Message edited by: 88TurboTbird ]
  13. heres about exaclty what you're asking for just a little over priced I picked up a t5 for mine for 175 with a warranty. http://www.turboford.org/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=6;t=007314 one is out of the t-bird turbo 87 I believe, excellent cond. no slips , all gears.. other t5 is out of a 88-92 5.0 stang.. shifts good, no slips.. need money for my new project.. $400.00 for 1st , $300.00 for 88-92 tranny,, email me at custom_turboz@msn.com
  14. 3600 cash he's taking a loss on this but is paying ins on two cars right now due to full coverage
  15. http://www.turboford.org/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=6;t=007298 75 shipped for both get on it!
  16. turbo ranger eh?? lemme know if you need any help with it. check www.turboford.org and www.turbotbird.com If you get some good deals you can find a comp and vam combo for about 60 bucks
  17. two axles 8.8 28 spline stock.(35.00)obo 20 and I'll pics em up lemme know thanks <Derek
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