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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Clarke was anything but dead weight. As for the recent transfer, Taver Johnson leaving as well explains that. Berry deserves to be gone.
  2. Color me surprised. Urban said he wouldnt make an example out of anyone, but I would definitely call that being made an example of
  3. Yeah, their LB coach left after the season, so that would make sense.
  4. Heard that earlier today. Sp. Teams Coord or is Haynes trying to assemble a whole new staff?
  5. A little farther, but New Albany United Methodist has a great traditional service at 8 and 11am. We have been going for about 2 years now.
  6. Not sure why CNN ran it, but they have added this STORY HIGHLIGHTS Comedian Dean Obeidallah: Stephen Colbert is considering running for president He channels Colbert, satirically calls his candidacy a threat to our way of life Obeidallah: Why do media coddle Colbert just because he calls himself a "comedian"
  7. to be fair, a lot of Democrats/Liberals/anti-Republicans don't realize that The Daily Show is satire as well.
  8. We had the Eagles deep dish last night. It was really good BUT Definitely not Chicago style and definitely not fork and knife
  9. Yeah, it's pretty sad that many people don't realize that Colbert and the Daily Show are Satire
  10. which CR member is this?? http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/396386_614581606905_53401155_32738802_694018930_n.jpg
  11. LJ

    Short Cuts.

    I was actually just complaining about this to someone. People do it all the freaking time in Gahanna and on Stelzer rd. I just lay on my horn.
  12. Yep, that's what they had! thanks!
  13. The blades they were using said "SnowDogg" but when I went to their website I couldn't find the giant ones? Just curious
  14. I got to the office this morning and they were using front end loaders with 20' wide plow blade. Pretty nice
  15. I have more than that saved and am still makin money :gabe:
  16. I like what they said on 610 last night about OSU. "It's time to worry but not time to panic. We will revisit this Monday" LOL
  17. LJ

    Doctors office?

    OSU Carepoint Gahanna. They are willing to do tons of things to help you out. They have Orthopedics, Sport's Medicine and Physicaly Therapy all in the same building so they don't shy away from doing everything they can to get you answers.
  18. My money is on 2 1/2" falling 1" sticking
  19. Diebler is what Sully is missing, not weight.
  20. Left nut and first born hope this helps
  21. My aunt has pictures of all the dandelions growing in her yard from the other day ROR!!!
  22. Just a 47" vizio But it's a 5" upgrade, and the old tv was 10 ms 60hz and 720p, this one is 5ms, 120hz and 1080p. Only $699 at walmart
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