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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Just for the hell of it, loudest place I ever played, Mansfield Arlin Field, Regional Final 2001 http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/5242/mozscreenshot6dw1.jpg http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/7226/mans2ag3.png
  2. Columbus Stadiums don't hold a candle to Southwestern Ohio Stadiums or Northeastern Ohio Stadiums. One of the best on Central Ohio, Desales http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/8248/stfd2pb9.jpg One of the best in Eastern Ohio, Steubenville http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/8123/stadiumzk1zq5.jpg Southwestern Ohio, Elder's "The Pit" http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/4893/normalp7070009zm1.jpg http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/1655/stadiumao0.jpg http://ohiostadiums.net
  3. Yep, the new field turf stuff is amazing. No problem with it. I've played on both, footing is better, it's softer than a dry grass field. There really isn't much difference playing on the 2. It's better to know how to play on turf than it is grass, as every round of the playoffs in Ohio from round 2 on, is played on field turf.
  4. It's basically the same anymore. The only difference with the turf they use now is it is bouncier and drier than real grass. BTW the Massilon Stadium has turf http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/1600/stadium98hv7.jpg http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/2788/5090808111738hc5.jpg http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/4667/5220708123148wh4.jpg http://img393.imageshack.us/img393/6276/513060882319gg9.jpg http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/797/514070883722ki9.jpg
  5. That is the issue. I WANT a Big 3 bailout, but only if they change and stop letting the unions run everything. What they really need to do is give them the bailout, then require they hire Japanese car manufacturer execs
  6. LJ

    Conceal Carry Law

    You don't respect me?
  7. LJ

    Conceal Carry Law

    ummmm, alright then, stick to topic shall we?
  8. LJ

    Conceal Carry Law

    So what does that have to do with the topic? Nothing?
  9. LJ

    Conceal Carry Law

    Why do I need emotion in my decision to carry a gun?
  10. LJ

    Conceal Carry Law

    1 or 2? I still want to take advanced carry and snubby. I guess Tacitcal Shotgun is damn good. I've had a teaser for it.
  11. LJ

    Conceal Carry Law

    It's how you post. You have a complete sheep mentality wanting OTHERS to take responsibility for keeping you safe. You are attacking people who carry saying that it is an emotional decision to carry, or that we carry because we need to "feel safe". Neither is true for me. I don't feel any safer when I carry, nor do I feel like I am going to be someone's hero. I also don't wake up, strap my gun on and go "God I hope I get to shoot someone today". I don't carry because I am scared. Bottom line, I carry because I am responsible for my own life and know that I won't have to worry about who is going to step in and save me should the need to do so arise.
  12. LJ

    Conceal Carry Law

    He isn't being a hardass, he refuses to be a victim and feels sorry for people who can't take the responsibility of caring for their own life
  13. LJ

    Conceal Carry Law

    I'm level 1 and 2 certified from TDI http://www.tdiohio.com/
  14. LJ

    Hell with Ford/GM

    Yep, the snowball effect is insane. Whole towns would fold overnight as well. 3 million DIRECT jobs would be lost, the amount of indirect jobs and retirees flooding the market having to go back to work because they lost their retirement pension (well, federal max) could put the number around 6-7 Million unemployed.
  15. Don't have your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire
  16. LJ

    Hell with Ford/GM

    It is. Sadly. If all big three failed, the results would send this country into another Great Depression.
  17. LJ

    House for Sale

    Yeah it's Licking Heights
  18. LJ

    Conceal Carry Law

    You really need to read The Sheep, The Wolf, and the Sheep dogs. Your post obviously displays that you are a sheep who relies on the sheep dogs to protect you from the wolves (no offense)
  19. I wouldn't count on that much longer
  20. I'd be in jail for murder
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