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Posts posted by VDUB

  1. Bush didnt impress me one bit tonite, if anyone did it was White. Just as i stated above, they suck and are overrated with a bunch of cocky players and coaches.


    O yea and last time I checked Michigan was a 5 team in the Big Ten

    Man, 177 yards rushing and receiving with a touchdown in the national championship against the best defense they faced all year doesn't impress you? Tough crowd.
  2. WOOT, going to this game :D


    The only thing that worries me about this one is Weis.. He has 4 weeks to watch OSU tape; this is the guy that tore apart NFL teams defense so we might be in for a surprise. I will say, however, that if OSU's offense comes out to play then we should win since ND's D is so inconsistent.

    I'm jealous. I really wish I had the money/time to be able to go.
  3. Like we didn't see this thread turning to crap considering, for the second game on a row, OSU is now pitted against a team with a huge and rabid nationwide fan base who have never set foot on thier favorite college campus, let alone in the same state.
    I'm gonna assume that's aimed at me, which is funny cause you're wrong on both counts. ;)


    I also fail to see how the thread has turned to crap, all I've said is I think the game is gonna be closer than Buckeye fans believe.

  4. Because OSU most likely will. The only chance ND has at beating Ohio State is to win the turnover battle by +2
    Notre Dame really doesn't turn the ball over very much so that's very possible.


    Regardless, I'm not saying Notre Dame is definitely going to win this game but to say OSU is just going to destroy them is pushing it a bit.

  5. hopefully pittman unloads on them, just like George did on those fuckers
    Don't count on it. If the Irish defense has a strength it's their run defense. With the exception of Reggie Bush (who noone has stopped all year), they've done a good job defending the run.
  6. um, no the one time in a 16 game season. because it happens in college and H.S. also it's the second time since the inception of the superbowl & 16 game season.


    ohtert teams other than the dolphins, undefeated throughout the history of PRO football

    22 canton bulldogs 10-0-2

    23 canton bulldogs 11-0-1

    29 packers 12-0-1,

    34 bears 13-0-0

    42 bears 11-0-0

    Sorry, guess I wasn't specific enough. :p
  7. Jacksonville, San Diego, and Seattle all have a decent chance at beating the Colts. They are all good teams, and all have weapons on both sides of the ball.

    Jeff, if you are so sure, I got 50 bucks that says your Colts do not go 19-0. That's undefeated in regular season, both playoff games (only two because they will have homefield and a bye), and the Superbowl. Same bet goes to Ben. :cool:



    *could change to 20-0 if for some reason they do not get a bye in the playoffs....

    Really ballsy of you to throw out a bet on something that's happened once in the history of football. :rolleyes:
  8. yeah, meby some steelers fans are rude as well, however, I dobut that your life was threatened while you were in heinz field.....
    Once again, not representative of Browns fans/organization as a whole.
  9. Are you fucking serious??? The browns fans are by far the worst excuses for human life ever. Have you ever been to the browns stadium??? They threw glass bottles and cups and everything they had on to the field one year. If you are in that stadium and rooting for any team other than the browns you had honestly better fear for your life. The way that the browns fan conduct themselves during games, and not, is totally unacceptable. They are extremely rude, and have no respect for anyone or anything. Including their team, and the stadium that they play in. Cleveland simply does not deserve to have any type of professional sports in that city. Period.
    Yes, you're right they did. No excuse for that. However, I'm not sure thats exactly representative of all the Browns fans/organization. Extremely rude fans? That could apply to any team in all the NFL. I was at the Browns/Steelers game last year and did nothing more than cheer for the Browns, didn't attempt to instigate anything at all, yet I didn't exactly feel "welcome" and was cussed out on multiple occasions. Having lived in Pittsburgh for the past 2 years and gone to multiple Steelers games, I could easily conclude that Steelers fans are as big a group of assholes as any other teams fans.
  10. Um...Raiders...Dallas...Minnesota...Browns...do you know anything about the NFL??


    John, give me two reasons to hate the Steelers.


    Other than being a Steelers fan, what are your reasons for hating the Browns?
  11. No you haven't, or else you wouldn't doubt a team you've been a "huge fan" of.


    Steelers will own the Colts. Manning will have his worse game of the season and will be terrified by Troy Polamalu.

    Thanks for the laugh, I really needed it.
  12. It was an original piece that I did let them modify, that's what's pissing me off.


    They won't see my business again and I won't recommend them to anyone. On top of that, the guy who did do my work threw a fit when the girl told him to knock some money off for fixing their shop PC.

    Different strokes for different folks I suppose. I think it's also more likely that you'll get a lower price if they know you're likely to come back/bring in more customers. Any idea what the name of the guy who did your work was?
  13. A word of advice about bodystain, usually if you take in your own work, it will most likely be cheaper than a comparable peice that is on a flash sheet on the wall. They like doing original work

    Yeah, when I took my second piece in and talked to Carmelo he quoted me a price and then Julie saw it, asked if she could tweak the idea a bit and then quoted me a significantly lower price. I think she actually has a pic of the work she did on me in her portfolio online. :o
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