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Everything posted by VDUB

  1. oh wow thats hilarious. I'm curious though, how does OSU look this year? I never was a fan to begin with but now going to school outside of Ohio has really put me out of touch with the Bucks. Anybody care to give me a quick scouting report?
  2. VDUB


    Its in its testing stage, so you have to be invited to join.
  3. I admit that I'm only going off of whats on the radio, which sounds nothing like the Beatles, but more like ACDC to me.
  4. I couldn't agree more. graemlins/thumb.gif
  5. I just started at the University of Pittsburgh.
  6. VDUB

    The saga continues..

    Dan, I hope everything is okay. He'll be in my thoughts. Let me know if you need anything.
  7. chromed out on an H2, lmao.
  8. VDUB

    Computer help?

    Oh, you're so funny. smile.gif
  9. VDUB

    Computer help?

    The funny thing is, I already tried that. graemlins/slap.gif Thanks for playing though.
  10. VDUB

    Computer help?

    no, they dont have anyone raiding dorm rooms, but the FAQs say that hooking up a router will cause the network port to be automatically shut off.
  11. VDUB

    Computer help?

    thats the thing, I am in a single..
  12. VDUB

    Computer help?

    I know we have a few techno savvy people around here, so hopefully someone will be able to help. I just moved into my dorm yesterday and was wanting to hook up my router so I could play XBOX Live. Well, in reading the stuff about the network I learned that we're not aloud to hook up routers/WAP/etc. to the network. I was wondering if there was anyone way around this so I can get Live up and running. Should I call their bluff and just see if it works and if not, tell them I never saw the guidelines? Any help is greatly appreciated. graemlins/thumb.gifgraemlins/bubbrubb.gif [ 28. August 2004, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: Sofa King ]
  13. VDUB

    for stillman

    lol that was awesome.
  14. another vote for white, though I like the blue alot too.
  15. I actually like UBB more than the others out there.
  16. The Beatles? Are you fucking kidding me? ACDC maybe, but not the Beatles. graemlins/slap.gif
  17. How perfect for the Kitchen, Metallica sucks.
  18. The lead singer is from Columbus. I dunno if that has anything to do with it though.
  19. The extras do really make this a good game. The presentation is awesome. It makes you feel like youre actually playing on ESPN. Then first person football and The Crib are cool too.
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