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Everything posted by Jelloman4571647545499

  1. when did you start to like girls adam....nice gloves
  2. http://bluepyramid.org/ia/nk.gif You're North Korea! <font size="3">Look out! You're absolutely wacko. Completely insane. There's no telling what you're going to do, and it could make you a danger to yourself and others. People are so scared of you that they usually just cover their eyes and pretend you're not there. The main impact this has had is to make you even more scary, as you yearn for attention and contact with the outside world. Everyone just wants you to calm down.</font> <font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid</font></font></p>
  3. weird ass site but awesome non the less. i still like the cow tipping one. the expressions at the end were hilaious.
  4. first one looks cleaner then the rest. second one is boring. the third is cool but still drop the plate.. later
  5. damn nice...what are those blocks rated for anyways?
  6. http://www.sdacbuckeye.com/modules/PNphpBB2/images/smiles/eusa_doh.gif =me
  7. iwishiwascool > h8civics I saw this smiley and had to post it. Have fun with losing h8civics, i know i wouldnt want to run him. http://www.sdacbuckeye.com/modules/PNphpBB2/images/smiles/new_321.gif
  8. meet him once..hell of a nice guy. sorry to hear about this. . tell me where and when and I will sign the card and give money. [ 17. August 2004, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: Jelloman457 ]
  9. i might have to drive up for this one...
  10. BOOST!!!! build the bottom end. Turn up the wick.
  11. BOOST!!!! build the bottom end. Turn up the wick.
  12. BOOST!!!! build the bottom end. Turn up the wick.
  13. im a neon guy if there is any quesitons call me. Marc knows my number. Later
  14. <font size="]" target="_blank">http://www.turbododge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=57114&page=1&pp=15[/QB] I knew someone was going to post from td.com. good runs though. turbododges where doing pretty good.
  15. alright times all day... nice weather at least THE VETTE: You raced that turbo Z a lot how many times did you get him and he get you. I left half way through. What happened with the VR4 that was supposed to be bad ass. did something break? not being an ass just asking.
  16. No, it's really not. I've worked on that horriably designed car enough that she will never own another one....ever. What it took to just replace an accessory belt tensioner was beyond stupid (and they fact they have 8 different freaking designs for it, for the same damn motor, because some engineer can't make up his freaking mind as to which one isn't a POS).[/QB] Wow sorry to hear about that I like my neon it has alrgiht gas milage and I never thought that belts were hard to get on...you must have the the worst of the worst design. I broke the assc tensioner off and replaced the whole thing in just short of an hour. I didn't think it was that hard. It is a shitty placement yes but not difficult i thought. just my $.02. hey btw its still a fun car and alright in speed for a daily driver.
  17. sellout...kidding. NO SERIOUS wheres the porn???
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