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About Neon07

  • Birthday 08/14/1983

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Location
    Gahanna, OH
  • Vehicles(s)
    Dodge Neon

Neon07's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. 9 sec?........you mean 6 second? We were there to see it, it could have been a lot worse thats for sure.
  2. Neon07

    Lets do it Linn!

    Sounds like that turbo is working really well for you. Good to hear man, and props on the numbers.
  3. looks good dooder. Especially that catch can. BTW its Moorespeed Performance. lol
  4. I kinda find it funny nothing against the LSx's. I mean could be worse right? Like say one of your friends has a plate that says NEONKLR and you drive a neon.
  5. I misunderstood the thread was this the one where everyone post why they cant race? Or the im thinking of a car can you guess what it is? I thought it was sign up if you want to race for $20.
  6. I had my dad trying the phone and online nonstop since 11:59 with no luck they claim they were sold out after 12minutes. What bullshit their website was overloaded how did anyone get in is my question. Did anyone on this website get in?
  7. Let me start by saying im really no role model behind the wheel at all times. But driving though residential areas like an idiot is not acceptable and deserve to have some Dad in that neigborhood to pull you out of your car and whoop your ass. I as i have a couple times I agree that by no means is street racing safe but look at those of us who have been at it a while definately dont drive like are kids anymore. A huge diffrence between us and idiot kids in a neighborhood. Just my 2 cents
  8. lock it in for 200 dig, 40 roll, and the new hawtness 1 lap around 270
  9. Thanks for the hospitality, its was nice changing the scene up a bit maybe next time we will have a better turn out. Fun none the less and some sweet cars to boot.
  10. words cant describe how ignorant your posts have made you look, not just in this thread but in every post you make.
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