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Posts posted by dsm614

  1. I believe nothing wrong was said, I wasn't bashing anyone's work I was just answering Brandon's question


    You gave him wrong information.



    Are you class racing this? If so what class?


    Whatever class I can run an RWD alcohol 4 banger in. 10.5w or Not.

  2. My 25.5 Starion/Quest.














    My Boss's ride... 7 second alcohol 2G, Big changes this year... ;)









    And that conclude's my picture update.


    Ill keep adding pic's to this build thread later... they were taken with a Sony A300.

  3. Look, I in know way mean to start a bunch of BS on the internet, It's obvious that I've been made out to be the bad guy here, Well, I know this forum has all it's buddies or what not and I could care less who is or isn't... I just want you to know that I in no way shape or form tried or was going to try and rip Rob off, I actually liked the guy and thought everything was cool.


    Well, After I had the tech from mead ( He is my room mate, that why the owner wants to stay out of it) come over to Robs to check out his work I was told by him (the tech) to promptly remove my car ( I'm no expert on cages or welding, that's why it was there in the first place) I was told that the cage would in no way shape or form pass NHRA tech or even 25.5 SFI rules... and that's what the car went in for... i even gave Rob the SFI rule book.


    Robs car was going to take 3... maybe 4 days tops to prep and paint, Rob was well aware I was going to pay professionals to do the job ( Unlike my car was ) And that all we were waiting on was for him to buy the supplies to do the work, ( The painter is a member here, but chooses to stay out of it... he said he would back me up if he had too as well ) Well... that's where we left off after we discussed getting the cars towed... that he would call me when he was ready and had the money. Honestly Rob was scaring me with his finacial troubles, and I didn't want him to get evicted with my car sitting there, as well as him needing the garage to make money.


    After the cars are towed, he made this post... which came as a surprise to me because I thought everything was to go threw... EVEN AFTER I got my car to a shop and certified welders wouldn't even pass the welds, I'm not a dickhead like that... didn't want to hurt Robs feelings and was just going to chalk it up as a re-do.... the project will move along eventually. Keep the shit to myself and the guys who seen the shitty work.


    I'm not asking you to believe what I'm saying, but it is the truth... even though I'm not known on here or anything like that....I have no reason to lie.


    Just Please understand where I'm coming from here.

  4. Like I said, If anyone wants to know the REAL story of ANY deal i've ever done, ( sold thousands of parts, delt with a few jackasses and white trash, you'll have that) Then just PM me, there isnt any need to think you know something, get the facts directly from me, i'm not gonna lie to you.


    Until next time.

  5. If the supplies are all there, why didnt you just call me and say so? I would have taken care of it.


    It's not there, and you dont have to lie... you only ruined it for yourself instead of calling me.


    Now, If you'll excuse me... I have some more bars to buy... ill be busy for a long time.

  6. Well, this post comes as a surprise as Rob was fully aware that his car would get painted still... doesnt look like he wants that to happen now.


    But, there is always two sides to every story, and all you have to do is come look at my car, you'll understand why it's no longer at Robs.


    I should have just went with a full chromoly tube chassis with how much work ill have to re-do and weld properly, let alone the money ill have to spend to fix it all.


    Money waisted, Live and learn.


    If anyone wants pictures of the all the stuff Ill have to replace, gaps I have to fix and welds ill have to re-do, please PM me... I have a few other columbus racing members that can vouch for the shitty work/ deal.


    I still would have had Robs mustang finished ( once he came up with the money for the paint supplies/materials, but he was behind on his rent for a few months so that was going to be awhile) and despite my car being fucked, but he only ruined it for himself by making this immuture post.... I was only waiting on him.


    Rob, you can keep the $300-400 worth of shit I have at your house, ill chalk it up with the rest of the stuff ill have to buy... maybe put it towards your rent.


    I thought we were cool with waiting on you to come up with some money, I guess not.

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