Banning someone doesn't really seem to me like it owuld be an effective deterrent for the everyday forum assclown. unless you are talking IP banning, then that would work. but since I don't know what kind you mean........ just banning someone is not enough, because the person can always just create another account, and be an assclown all over again. I have seen all kinds of this shit happen on numerous forums, and I think what Anthony did was perfectly understandable. This will be sure to grab EVERYONE'S attention, and besides, there is a point when enough is enough. Even if the stupidity has not escalated at all for a while, it doesn't matter, because it has continued. Maintaining this board costs time and money, and as far as I know, not a whole lot of money is being generated to help support it. SO, the money has to be coming out of somebody's pocket. My assumption would be Anthony's. Why should he continue to pay for a bunch of immature assholes to argue about pointless topics, and insult people seeking help, and/or a group of friends. Something has to be done about it.