Ok, lets digest this post. Stock IC can't handle passes like that? Ok. Sure. Stock turbos can't boost past 14psi without being non-seq? Are you serious? My turbos were still full seq and I could run 15+ psi. Sure, it was inefficent as hell. But it was possible. Stock FD motors suck? Please just stop. You're fucking retarded.
Yeah, my name is Billy. Was that a secret? It's in my profile for this site. And I don't think you don't know "doritos", I know you don't, from your retarded post.
And thanks for posting a video of my car running a 12.7, that was before my ignition amp. I was running race gas that night, and my stock ignition couldn't handle it. I could only take the car to about 6k rpms. You want a vid of my 12.3 run? Ok.. here you go.
Call bs now you fuck. You want a time slip?