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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. Dunno have you seen it in person or drove it ?..
  2. The guy does not understand anything, He Fails. fuck you can pick up a SRT for 5-8k and smoke the shit outta a S2000 on a 1320 or road course.
  3. You pointed the fact out why I have a problem: Wow what a great respect for cars, You go by the badging. IDIOT. Like I said here ya go www.ohiocustoms.com
  4. here lets go over this again. you said you wanted a fast daily driver with bolt ons. that cannot happen with the car you wanna buy, So you FAIL Then you go on to say my name is weak, Wrong you FAIL again cause you dont know what I drive or have. Then you go on to say and proceed to lecture me that a neon is only a 15sec 1320 car=you FAIL once again. SRT's dont run 15secs and neither does a base model N/A= YOU FAIL 13.7 is not fast=Fail So far you fail. I dunno if you forgot but when you come on a racing website and say you like to look at your car and hang out and not race and you have outgrown it what do you think others will think. I think that you are going to sit next to your car if you even buy it and make sure its shiny and then complain about how much gas is this summer. You are talking about stock car times and referring to my name that you have no idea whats behind it. But I can tell and know what your about cause you described it in your first post. And a car that only has the grunt of only 1.8l that can roll with cars of three times its displacement is how I roll deep so bring it.
  5. Wich car of mine you wanna dance with first.?..... Ill drag any of your owned or will own or you have cars around Columbus all day 24/7 street, track or on the interwebs. Maybe you should check your shit first befor you sell it. Neons aint no joke and I can say for a fact that no s2shitty shell with even a diff motor in it has gone faster than a neon with a 4cyl in it.:gtfo: fuck Ill even give you the hit. How bout you take your no racing only lookin good sweet car and join ohio custums they like people who stand by there car and keep it clean and slow! Like I said, that offer is good all year long.
  6. Hold on a second your scared heat will ruin your turbo seals? .....UMMM What. You do realize those things glow red hot after you beat on them right ?...
  7. I daily mine in the summer.... lol And it makes 460 at WOT Keep your foot off the gas and it will actually stand still at a stop light. OMG!!!!!!:bangbang:
  8. Damn Wonder if you could do a whole car in this/......... I bet it would look hot. I want to on the Mazda....... Wanted to do the car in flat black and leave all the current bump moldings in gloss. How flat is the bed liner?.. seems like it would be really flat to the point where it could be scratched but rubbed out by hand almost like dry skin?..
  9. neonkiller


    Ikll get his info from you next time we talk dryer vents:cool:
  10. neonkiller


    I just almost dropped a tear lol'ing after that post!!!!!! hahahahahah He is right I have never been to his shop but I have been to the outside of it and man can I tell you the heater vents on that thing are fuckin sweet!!!!!!!!! Serioulsy someone make the trip out there to see em:cool: BTW I have your cell phone number qand acess to craigs list, Oh shit wait you have mine. Fuck!:asshole: bump for Will he will get it taken care of in a timely and pocket friendly cost:bangbang:
  11. A stock s2000 fast...... WEAK., I know why you got neg rep points prolly on that quote alone.
  12. neonkiller


    In hilliard off hayden run rd, was just there today.
  13. With the amount of traffic and visitors this place gets in a week hopefully I recieve a PM by the end of the week.
  14. Bring your girl dressed in all white with her friends and I may stop up to take her friends back to my place...
  15. I have a Cultural Diversity class at CSCC and I took on a project to let my classmates know how there reactions and social acceptance or denial of aids in our society make that who have the immunodeficiency feel on an emotional aspect. The project. I would like to interview one person living with this acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) That has been living with it for at least 3 yrs. Project will bring to light the social aspect of living with it and how the person being interviewed has been treated or been caught off guard by the comments, looks and or trials and tribulations of this affecting there life in a good and bad way. I have asked allot of people already but cannot get ahold of someone that I have never been introduced to already. Please PM me with details, I would like to grab coffee or lunch with the person I interview and get a grasp of what its really like to live with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. All information about the person that is personal like "Name,Job Position" will be kept private unless agreed apon that I can release the information in class to my class and professor only. Thanks.
  16. I am guilty, I have a picture somewhere of said individual txting while driving to Waterfest in New Jersey doing a lil over 100mph and snapping the picture also.....
  17. You are gonna be the first person I lap...
  18. Damn those your other toys?..
  19. Fuckin awsome, Sticky, I Only got 250g until jan 2038......
  20. Not possible, at least in the car you want, Fast and minimal bolt ons?.. And if that is fast to you I think your prior cars may be lacking HP.
  21. Im on my way to be a Fire fighter, Do not chance it. With assult on your record there gonna ask about it. If he tries it again just make sure no one is watching and whoop that fuckers ass. Maybe one day he will need you help in a fire or a car crash, You will still pull him out be the better man. That alone will ghet to him. Just dont let it bother you.
  22. http://www.mercadoracing.org/imagenes-anuncios/26/115706/mitsubishi-evo-v.jpg In stock form, this is by far the car I would give anything for. Too bad its not avail over here in the states... EVO 5
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