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Posts posted by nuhga

  1. hey guys thanks for all the input


    sorry i was extreamly pissed yesterday for how she treated me but im all better today.

    so i re-read the ticket she gave me and it is


    2 violations

    left of CTL

    loud muffler


    so i guess she didn't give me the reck op afterall?

    she was threatening me with that tho. how she will give me 4pt w/ reck op and get my car impounded/goto jail/pay fines i think thats why i was confused.. sorry.


    it's actually where go down rd meets Linworth rd.


    also is there any way i can move the court date?

    thanks alot guys



    oh, i also thought that if you ask, police had to show you the speed gun but i guess not.

  2. I was driving on 'GO DOWN RD' there are few blind turns.


    right after i make a 2nd turn. i see a cop and sure enough she pulls me over.

    as soon as i get pulled over she yell out through the window telling me to pull into apartment complex with the fucking mad ape additude.


    she askes me why i was in such a hurry and i said i wasn't, i was just going home. she askes how fast i was going. and i tell her speed limit. Then she suddenly get all pissed and saying 'DON'T GIVE ME THAT SMILE, DONT EVEN TELL ME THAT YOU WERE GOING IN SPEED LIMIT!! DO I LOOK ENTERTAINED RIGHT NOW??" im like WTF and i say "NO!!! I AM NOT ENTERTAINED EITHER" <- probably shouldnt have talked back like that but i was really pissed at that moment :(

    well then, she tells me with that kind of additude she will give me 4 points for whatever and take me to jail.


    she goes back to her car and do her thing and comes back. she asks me to choose between getting 4 points for whatever whatever and going to jail, or 2 points and get Reckless driving + loud exhaust. my exhaust is pretty loud but not crazy loud. and i really do not believe i ever crossed the middle yellow line..


    she gives me reckless driving + loud muffler 220$


    sorry for my english. it's not my first language.

  3. After turning the key off and getting out, a turbo timer keeps the engine running for a minute to let the turbo cool down. It's a hundred dollar thing for lazy people who don't wanna sit there with the car and wait.


    =/ sometimes I miss bus during that few mins so i have to wait 15 more mins waiting for next bus.. I got my tt for 50bucks so not so bad

  4. I switched over from AP to utec.. you can find alot more tuners around here with utec than AP.. utec seem to be more consisitance than AP about tuning for more mods. Car felt alot smoother with AP tho.


    I dunno why my utec did that either. I have called turboXS but they said only way this can happen is if i over wrote my map or my tuner never tuned my car.. (which both arent true =[ )


    I was thinking it's because of Turbotimer install because that's the only time i touch'ed my car other than driving it.. and i think that's about time my cel start'ed blinking on high boost etc. i thought some kind of electric shock or something but if that ever happend my whole utec should of been messed up(car shouldn't even start)


    I dont really know much about AFR but I dont think basemap is all that safe since it's for smaller turbo and smaller intercooler for mine... maybe thats why knocking? i dunno, all I know is cel was blinking on the boost (knock)


    ops edit:


    im running fp18g and i was too lazy to hook up water cooling setup .. =/

    and I got tuned by Bryon meade

  5. whoa , something has gone wrong with my EM(utec) i guess...

    my cars been knocking on high boost ever since i installed turbotimer which is like almost a month ago =[ .. I thought it was just cold weather but I was running on basemap!!! :(

    my tuned map competly dissapeard so I have to get it retuned... my money... T_T

    I guess another excuse to upgrade..

  6. that ridiculous.


    white people say that all the time. they just have the luxury of being subtle about it. i have no doubt that you yourself have entertained thought ofthat nature at some point as well.


    whoa.. im asian but honestly i cant imagin white person (who has that much power) saying stuff like this =/ .. on CSPAN ?

  7. 1. Its a factory fit... on Volvos, you cant beat that.

    2. The spool time.

    3. It will still look factory. In order to do this right, i have to preserve the cars factory appearence.


    it's going to be hiding under your hood anyway... why not just go big while at it?

    i think thats going to cost lots of money for little gain..

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