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Posts posted by Eclipsed8301647545502

  1. And assume that I also know people in Cleveland and the surrounding areas, so yes, I know about your car.


    I usually just lurk and keep my mouth shut, I don't know who your source in Cleveland is but I can assure you Vlads parents had nothing to do with his Supra.

  2. Me too....I went to a Catholic Grade School and can remember Sister Marie whipping out her custom made paddle she had for years. That was the big thing....look out if you got her for homeroom :eek: Thankfully I didn't have her homeroom....but back then, shooting spitballs and popcorn through straws was fucking hysterical.


    I remember in my Catholic grade school my teacher DUMPING out my desk in the middle of a class lecture. :asshole: Shit flowed out of my desk like Niagara Falls, all because I couldn't find a pencil. :o


    My public school had fights, guns, drugs, and I had to goto summer school... I graduated in 06...

  3. Actually we went inside and ate some food and then played some games and the BS'd outside and then some kid in 300zx tried to intimidate us, then my buddy Trey said "you think we should pop your hood David?" He said that cause we all knew David could totally smoke that kids 300. :lol:


    It was a good day and then after we were done talking one of the rent-a-cops said we had to leave.


    Sweet, so one or two cars in your whole group could probably smoke a stock 90's Nissian 300zx. :eek::eek:

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