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Everything posted by Prophet

  1. I have a 240sx car thats still running you can buy. make me an offer. s13 '91 with ka24de motor (about 190k) interior is in fair to poor condition .
  2. Thx for all of the support SilverponyGT ...The exact engine is called Klze its a j-spec engine for my car..my car has a mazda engine in it not ford....and as for the website check out www.probeaddiction.com and go to engines and the klze will be in there as well as a lot of other stuff i plan on getting. lmao@ Mods SilverPonyGt graemlins/thatfunny.gif
  3. Nope not homeschooled ...just got into it about 2 months ago
  4. lol...just an added look thats all ...very cheap to do to seperate myself from other probes rather quick and cheaply ...lol graemlins/gone.gif
  5. I love mazda's and Nissans btw Ford is ok and so is honda. I do like the new Cobalt though they have a nice look to them ...i don't know how powerful they are but i do like the look .. i would also like to get a toyota Supra or an Rx-7
  6. I'm 24 btw . graemlins/eek2.gif
  7. Well thx silver ..I appreciate the work u put in to helping me ...I will still probably make my probe look nice and make it decently fast...I was looking at a 300 zx today and a 99 mustang . I might try to get mustang ...undecided though smile.gif ...I have listened to every1 on here even if they thought i wasn't listening... I was just defending my probe its a nice and reliable car with decent stock power...contrary to most people here have to say about it. I have had the car for 6 months zero problems...except for regular oil changes and wires. and it has 220k mi on it now runs like a champ .
  8. lol...I haven't thrown anything back in ur faces..hahah...but ok . I look forward to meeting u all smile.gif thz for all the nice things that u said crash smile.gif . You know I have graemlins/popcorn.gif been insulted multiple times here , but if u haven't noticed i haven't insulted any1 back ....hmmm something to think about huh tongue.gif
  9. lol...I liked the way the scoops looks thats all...I do I have neons on the inside of the car but not to much...just where ur feet rests.
  10. lol ....cmon nobody's gonna tell me ..I have never heard of ricer in my life.
  11. what is ricer i assuming thats bad....or a diss..explain plz?
  12. I was at meijers..but i don't have a pink probe..lol my probe is black and burgundy with hood scoops lol@pink maybe u saw me ..maybe u didn't lol but if it was pink it definelty wasn' my car
  13. Wow Congrats at being aries and happy be-lated birthday. Thx for the help too. LoL at bzzzt nice van , what mods u got? I have 16's on my car now , I don't plan on goin bigger but i do plan on lowering the car a bit. I'm trying to make it to 290-300hp if I don't its ok. Just had to set a goal . I'm not limited to 2 grand just what its gonna cost for new engine and nitrous.
  14. ok you all have talked me out of the probe... I'm getting a go-kart and pimping that with mods and nitrous smile.gif
  15. btw ..thats not what i'm planning to do i was just askin...i just thought i would state that be4 i start getting bashed again. smile.gif
  16. hmmm I was told though that dry is best for my car not wet. ...Question...What if u had stiffer shocks in th rear..to prevent some of that weight transfer would that help or not? if I were to put different size tires on the front and back..example. 16's in front and 18's rear and add stiffer shocks in rear would that help any in your opinion?
  17. What are the traction problems with fwd? , and if i were to go with another car it would probably be awd. What cars would u say is best to go with rwd or awd ...name a few of both awd and rwd.
  18. I have never been to ohiohondas...lol I'm not sure if it will be to the crank or wheels...I was told to get a zex dry kit put it at 75 shot , get ngk spark plugs 1 degree cooler than what they are suppose to be and that would be the safest and best setup for my car to put out more hp.
  19. I never said camaros are slow...by any means ...I have drove a few . i like them but just not something i would want to mod....like i keep saying i want to be a little different with the probe..i don't mind forking over the money ...just the same as all of you do with the hondas and acuras. The 290hp sounds like an attainable goal... thats why i said it and that was a max or a starter depending how easily or difficult it is to get there. but just with j-spec and zex it will put me around 260-270hp thats not including headers intake or any of the other goodies. I'm not here to bash any other cars , just stating my opinion on them and asking questions ...this is relatively new to me I still have a lot to learn and if u want to teach ..i'll listen ...if u know what your talking about tongue.gif
  20. Well the engine I'm getting will only cost 1300 with shipping , and I have some1 to install already. A zex dry kit will cost roughly 530 so yea ur looking at under 2grand for it all smile.gif give or take a few dollars. One of your own told me how to mod my car ...they have a mustang Cobra.
  21. Thx Mallard... I will do that. Btw I'm doing an engine swap on my probe for a j-spec with 50k mi on it, and I'll show my probe too... and let u drive it and u tell me if u still think its a bucket tongue.gif Camaros are too common , and probe is modded ...but How many do u see compared to civics, integras, mustangs,camaros,supras,eclipse,Sentra-Se-R Spec-V, and neons? I meant by slow top-end power , that it takes longer to get there not that its not there in the camaro. smile.gif
  22. Camaros are just to common and mustangs I like to be a little different ...Civics aren't much better but they look better than camaros in my opinion. Civics would also be lighter than a camaro. Isn't the camaros power in the low-end though...slow top end? I don't know so don't start bashing ...I'm asking tongue.gif
  23. oh btw it will cost me less than 2 grand to do that too smile.gif
  24. When I'm done my probe should be pushing about 280-290hp and it only weighs 2700lbs
  25. lol@gliders smile.gif
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