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About SquirrelyNutsDSP
- Birthday 01/14/1983
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Central Ohio
Sport sedan, sport bike
SquirrelyNutsDSP's Achievements
Newbie (1/14)
FYI, Best Buy has the Verizcinate on sale this Friday for the low low price of $free with at 2-year contract. Does this sway opinions? I'd wait and see if the Droid X or Incredible are offered by BB later in the month. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/null/Free+Phone+Fridays/pcmcat221800050002.c?id=pcmcat221800050002
Neo-puritanical pietists, legislating morality and ruining the fun for everyone. Sex sells; always has and always will. Seriously, prohibition doesn't work for anything: guns, drugs, sex, etc. No matter how hard these fools try they will simply push things underground and exacerbate whatever perceived social problems arise from these things. It IS total horse shit, probably will drive up sex-related crime, and will put some poor working girls on unemployment. Self-righteousness and morality has no business in the legal system. Step 1: Build strip club along a major thoroughfare, outside the Louisville corporation limit Step 2: Laugh at Madonna Flood and make it full nudez + alcohol Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit$ People will drive long distances for teh nudez.
My experience there was simply looking for an '04 R32, like Aaron, back in 2006. I went up to their dealership because they had a (least rare) Deep Blue Pearl R32 with higher than average miles on it and they wanted the typical high dealer price. I figured I could re-anchor the price and negotiate it downward. When I arrived they weren't to eager to acknowledge my presence and I didn't see the R32 on the lot, which was odd. So when I asked as to the whereabouts, they told me that some employees had taken it to the golf course for the afternoon. I was not impressed at all, since I figured that the car was probably getting beat on pretty hard on some back county roads, and they pretty much ignored my interest. They did call me about a week later to try and make some deal, though I never went back to see the car, and I ended up driving to Connecticut for a nice R32 at a fair price. I'm surprised anyone buys from them. Cliffs: unprofessional, probably beat on cars, premium prices, bad business practices
This has been discussed so many times but... I, too, have a V1 hardwired into my rearview mirror power. It's mounted high on my windshield, about as high as it will go. I don't worry about others seeing my detector lights, most don't pay attention anyway. The only annoying part is I can't mount it above the mirror due to Lexus' ridiculous dots on the windshield and it interferes with my sun visor where I have it. About speeding... unless you're the only car on the road, you can detect instant-on radar by paying attention to what the V1 tells you. I've been saved a few times when unintentionally speeding, and when intentionally speeding pay attention the terrain (hills, sight distance, curves) as was mentioned before. The V1 isn't a cloaking device but I appreciate what it does and glad I bought it. My advice is don't rip the guts out just because you want a "flush install", it's a waste of time.
"We sincerely regret dragging your name through the mud. Sorry about that." Who cares if they get any real details or report correctly, an apology is all it takes to smooth it over.
I'd like to but I can't go that day. Post up on ohio-riders if you haven't already, you can probably recruit someone there.
You got boned hard if your description of the offense is accurate. That really sucks and you have my sympathy. $40 court fees: oh well Three, 3-hour classes: sucks but points on your license are worse $135 for the classes: still less than the NPV of insurance increases due to points 500 word essays: write them during the driving classes 30-day license suspension: absolute BULLSHIT You probably would have been better off in Newark/Licking County than Fairfield. Good luck.
It's always hard to trust someone else's work. Lucky you aren't the owner of a charred car... lbts glws
The funniest part of all this is that "security experts" can't agree that the full body scanners will actually stop people from bringing weapons or dangerous substances on board the aircraft. They can't show that it would detect anything rubber banded up under your junk. Even I once went on a business trip with a razor knife unintentionally in my carry-on and I made it all the way home before I realized. I never got stopped even though my bag was screened twice at different airports. So do you still feel safer? I, for one, don't plan to submit to this kind of search. I will refuse every time, no matter how often I travel or inconvenient it is. I DO feel that it breaches my rights and I DON'T feel that it makes us any safer, that's how I interpret my rights as a citizen. Besides, every time I see a TSA line fucking up the airport I think, "Damn, these idiots don't know a thing about operations and process design. No wonder they're slow and shit still gets by them, even with a million 'agents' standing around." But at least these poor suckers have jobs to go to every day, you can't argue with that. I don't have any complaints, aside from the inefficiency. I can still refuse the body scanner. But if all else fails I'm gonna cover my junk in foil, just to piss them off.
This "illegal monitoring" seems like the best way to protect yourself from abuse of power and people brandishing firearms (or tasers). I'd say the fact that the camera was in plain view means the rider wasn't violating the spirit of the rule. They're probably just trying to scare the rider and make an example of him. If I'm a citizen of that state I don't want the state's attorney prosecuting this waste of time.
Seriously? Charting? Bwahahaha. Ok whatever, Nostradamus.
I believe I have seen it park in the Lane Ave garage on some afternoons, in case you wanna get your M4M on. But seriously, he parks there.
You fail! Fail I say! CR sucks because IT SHOULD BE BETTER! Everyone knows.
Though others may disagree, having the fastest thing out there does not always bring the most joy. I'd love to see how the BMW bike feels and see if it has any character. After working for zee Germans last summer I feel much more strongly about that company and their products, very focused on driver/rider experience. Excellent stuff. As for Ducati getting raped by Japanese bikes, it's like having a Ferrari upstaged by a Lexus LF-A or something. There's still space in my garage for both.
I see so many redlight runners around OSU, it's not even funny. Best to do a 3-second count before pulling into an intersection on a green light, lest you get broadsided. Running redlights KILLS motorcyclists, remember? I have no sympathy for those who run the light and if I, myself, make a mistake like that then I deserve a ticket too. I understand the argument about the cameras being way too liberal with ticketing, however, a lot of that is how the cameras are programmed and the process for issuing tickets. The best and most effective systems involve 100% review by an officer/official before the ticket is issued. The chance of making mistakes is drastically reduced, and the fines collected more than pay for the officer's time. California has been doing this for a very long time now, and it works pretty well. You can contest it if you have a legitimate claim, but most people have no excuse.