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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. They bought a stock performance truck not a 100k+ baja truck..... There is a reason they spend 100k+
  2. But really as much as I dislike black wheels I think the would be your best option.
  3. you know it's bad when the dipstick looks like that lol
  4. I Derick finely worked him to hard and he snapped
  5. I really want a paper drawing not a computer jpeg
  6. Many people run the 4 banger t5's they are the same other than a more aggressive gear set and the have them in heavier foxes. and no the rear is another story. If you really want to eliminate problems put a c4 in it. But that is lame
  7. I'll check him out if a member can't help first, thanks
  8. For something I want to do I would like to have a artist rendering done of my 68 do we have anyone that can do one, say like what you always see Foose whip up on Overhaulin?
  9. learn to drive and buy a good shifter. the car is lite and should hold up WAY better
  10. I prefer kbs coatings and they are stocked at jegs.
  11. http://www.houseofgrafix.net/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/DOPE_decal_4bba5c5fa548f.jpg another one for jones
  12. So who will make dumb posts to stretch threads to 5-6 pages of babble?
  13. We don't know for sure she did the killing but she for sure did the cover up. Bad parenting that led to the little girls death and lied about it all and shows liitle remorse. That is enough to make her trash to ne
  14. Not sure how you can know what she did and still find her hot. If she got hit buy a bus i'd check the paint on the bus first. Only thing worse than a mom baby killer is a pediophile rapest murderer.
  15. Should have answered the question correct
  16. At least with her on the team the bus gets to park closer. Yes I know, going to hell
  17. Well shot then. I have always wanted to do miget poem but I am 6'5'' I am gonna sue, they should accomadate me !
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