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About jeep17
- Birthday 07/01/1983
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06 325i
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Sorry about bumping an old thread, but I was searching to help someone out I know in the Columbus area looking to get his car detailed for the winter and knew of Andy. We've never talked or met but knew of your work from occasionally checking the site. Anyways, maybe he'll contact you or not, not sure. I offered him my services since I'm heavily into detailing as well and have all the supplies but my time isn't as flexible since I live in Cleveland. Anyways, your business idea sounds great. I know that all the products I enjoy must be ordered on-line which can be a PITA but I've come to deal with it. I also found a reputable on-line dealer that I've come to use almost exclusively, http://www.detailedimage.com . Also you mention repackaging your favorite products. My concern is wouldn't you run into legal infringements? I can't imagine simply dumping say, Poorboy's EX-P into another bottle and calling it 'AudiOn19s liquid sealant' and everything will be fine. If you really took off and Poorboy's caught wind of your dealing I think shit could really take place. Otherwise everything sounds great. I searched for a place that I trusted to touch my car and couldn't find one. So I took it upon myself to learn my own techniques. I think every city needs a detailer like yourself. SpaceGhost, I noticed your question went unanswered. You may have found an answer already to your rim problems but this has been my routine in keeping my BBS CH's cleanable. I have a BMW which are commonly known for their break dust issues so I quickly had to find a way so that I wasn't breaking my a$$ to keep my rims clean. I strongly suggest these 2 products; Poorboy's Spray & Rinse and Poorboy's Wheel Sealant. To start think of your rims as any other painted surface on your car, they need the same treatments to stay easily cleanable. First I would wash them as best as you can with Dawn, then follow with the S&R. I only use the S&R twice a year since it's a pretty strong product and will strip the sealant off the rims. Then if you have any left over clay you used on your car use that to remove the most stubborn surface contaminants. I then use the wheel sealant 3-4 times a year. You could use a normal car wax but the wheel sealant is formulated specifically for rim applications to withstand the heat and repel break dust. It will also last twice as long. Your rims should now be very clean and shiny. You'll also notice how easily the break dust will come off during washes. I simple swipe with a MF towel will clean them in seconds let alone a light washing. This treatment will easily last your 4-6 months if not longer if you follow a moderate upkeep routine. Here are a few pics of my rims just to show you the effect... http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q241/gb1727/DSC_0403.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q241/gb1727/IMG_0552.jpg I do nothing but lightly rub them clean while cleaning my car. I spend maybe 10-15 minutes tops if there a little dirty. Road tar and asphalt rocks come off easily as well.
I just beat Gears 2 hours ago. I think I woulda pooped in my pants from seeing some of the Locusts on a 108' LCD haha. There WILL be a gears of war 2, write that down.
Buy your kid a video game or some shit. He'll own up to what happened then haha. Boys can never turn down a game from their dad. He'll spill the beans for sure. game > candy for a bribe.
Not trying to start a fight, but Toyota and Lexus are the same, I don't care who the parent is. Design cues, components, platforms, options, everthing is shared. You're basically trying to say that a Mercury isn't a Ford. That's great that you get a worker comp. No, No and No again. Maybe a decade ago their reliabilty was down but not anymore. I can drive to hell and back and the car won't give me sh*t. Even if it did, I 1. Get a free BMW loaner to drive the entire time, 2. They'll drive to wherever I am to get my car and give me the loaner, 3.Don't pay for a thing for 4 years/unlimited miles except for tires. Does Lexus do that(take out #2, I know they'll do that)? I'm pretty sure they are using the 460's motor, at least that's what I've been reading. I'm not trying to sway you or anything like that. People like what they like. There are just a lot of misconceptions about BMW's that are made because of people's anchient views. If the 3 series was that bad it wouldn't have been ranked within the top 10 of its category for the last decade by multiple car authorities. I do think the IS500 will compete well with the 335i but in no way will be able to compete with the new M3 due out next year. Good luck with the new ride.
Go look/drive the 335 or 328 for that matter. You'll be way happier and a lot less but hurt. Lexus tried to rape me for a 250AWD so I got a 325 instead, not even like it was a compromise anyways. WAYYYYY better ride/car/everything. And to top it off, the IS is in the end still a Toyota.
I did 35% all around on my Celica I used to have. I also used to live in Westerville cuz I graduated from Otterbein and was not once bothered because of my tint or or anything really. On my new bimmer I got the sparkling graphite and 35% just didnt look right so I went with 15% in the rear and 25% up front. You easily could have went darker. Still looks great either way but a little darker would have been even better.
I know one of the district chef managers. I actually speak with him pretty frequently. He's optimistic and has a good outlook but he should being as high up as he is. I worked for the company in various positions at a couple of the cleveland stores for about 4 years up till last summer. I still know many of the area employees and hear nothing but complaints from them. As for the one on Old Henderson, I never heard anything about the place because it was rather low key and in one of the better areas. Just tell her about the steaks not being Grade A as advertised and you'd be better off finding a Ruth Chris or that place at Easton.
hyde park is going to drowned itself in the next few years. trying to open something like 20 some stores in the next year. they could hardly open the metropolitan in cleveland or that columbus one without a hicup, let alone several in other states. the last time they open a store out of state was in new orleans and they were robbed blind by the management and staff because they didn't go there enough. the metropolitan died off of 270 in Worthington in like a year and a half. the owners dont care about their product anymore. they only care about the money. the steaks arent even grade A usda anymore and haven't been for a few years now, but it still says they are on the menu. they hire crap management half the time, like the one up in cleveland that dated the 17y/o hostess while he was married and had kids, thats real classy. overall hyde park is junk to work for. food is ok, but not typically worth the prices. they really underpay the management. i could could go on longer. btw nice cars!
I would like to also add that I don't need a program just to store the documents we write up, but to cut out the amount of writing. It takes on average about 2-4 minutes to write out everything on this returns. If I can have that cut to 1 minute, that would save a tramendous amount of time since we do about 30 returns a night. Does anyone also have a "free" tryable version? I dont wanna pay $150 and the program doesn't do what we need.
Thank you! Now a few questions since you seem to know the software. The forms have some areas that are drop down material such as date, month, year and time. It also has 2 areas that would require typing. Is this software capable of both having drop downs and type in the blanks? I know the first one is only mac but is the 2nd one PC compatable?~nevermind this question. Alittle further reading would have given me the answer.
I haven't been on here in awhile but I have a question that I knew someone here could answer. My friend was telling me of a program where you can scan a document in and it's something like 98% accurate in knowing where 'fill in the blanks' are needed. Is this really a program? The reason I'm asking is my dad's business requires a lot of filling out repetitive paper work for returns of service to the court. It's very time consuming mindless work, but he still has to do it and it takes several hours a night of writing. I've recently been looking into getting a new laptop and if I can get such a program that will help our family business and cut back on his hours of writing, would be a extremely helpful. Considering we are swamped as it is and we just picked up another firm. If you guys know of anything please let me know.... Thanks
i was waiting for a rouge wave to gobble one of them up...
dont mean to jump in and change the subject just a little i guess... but my laptop just died.. screen and fan gave out, its an old 9500 Solo from gateway. anyways i wanna stick with the laptop because im not much of a gamer on the comp and dont need all that stuff but i still want something with a really good refresh rate and can take a lot of programs open at once, obviously building a laptop is prolly out of the question so any suggestions on a new laptop??? im also leaning towards a dell laptop. ive always used a comp with windows so im decent to that but im open to mac and learning to use their new OS tigerX or whatever it is. size, weight, etc doesnt matter, the 2-3 extra lbs and inches wont bother me, if it does have windows id want XP pro and office pro on it, a decent sized harddrive, and at least 512 memory. thanks
the drive thru on high street just north of campus carries dogfish... i wanna say its just past oakland on the right heading north. garrett