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Rally Red Evo

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Posts posted by Rally Red Evo

  1. is this daves personal evo? if so this is a daily driven car which is freaken crazy a 4 cly car running 9's trapping 155 mph. either way all the cars are a peice of car art and I love it.



    Saw the video its Dave's car. Ran 9.72 on pump gas with full interior (Maybe the first Evo into the 9's on pump gas?). Ran 9.11 on race gas. That's pretty insane for a fully street driven car.

  2. pics?


    I've always wondered how an Evo would fair to a deer.


    Sorry for your luck man



    No pictures, I probably should have taken some. I should hopefully know by early next week what will happen with it. Sounds like its more than a 50/50 chance its salvaged out.

  3. This is to the asshole in a dark family sedan who decided to ride my ass on my way home this morning and barely missed me when i slammed on my brakes and all other dumb fucks just like him. If you are riding my ass, especially to the point I can't see your lights, next time i will totaly lock up my brakes instead of just getting on them hard and I will make sure you hit me. Then after you hit me I will get out and beat the living fuck out of you and go about my way and if I happen to have a loved one with me, I will go about my way and get your plate and then follow up by tracking you down. If I am in the left lane going 72 and passing people up because they are doing 60 I am not going to speed up just because you left late. I swear to fuckin god I am so sick of people who ride my ass and I am going to start reacting to this. I dont give a flying fuck if I have to pay for the damage, I gaurantee you will think twice before riding someones ass the next time.



    What in your mind makes you think to put on your brakes and not just get the hell out of the way?

  4. Go see the King Tut exhibit, it's in Chicago now until Jan 1st. First time it's been here from Cairo since the 70's; I'm going in a few weeks to check it out myself. :)


    Just checked and the Cubs are at Cincy for the next 4 games... That place does rock though, I was there for a monday afternoon game and people tailgate like it's an OSU football game... in their front yard... at noon on a monday. It was insane.



    Get your Tut tickets now. I was there over Labor Day and you had to purchase them a few weeks in advance to get in.


    I second Shedd its a great place.

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