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Posts posted by girlsrace2


    Yes ebay turbos are hit or miss, but why not use it until it goes. Its not like I have money wrapped up in the turbo. If it fails, oh well I will put the header back on, run it all motor until we buy a legit turbo. BTW alot of bigger name turbo's fail too. If its mechanical, it will break eventually.


    Agreed, anything mechanical well eventually break, ebay product or not! We have most definately gotten the point of the window banner and the hood. Minus those 2 things, the car has a great start with low miles on the rebuild. I'm pretty pumped to have my own build!

  2. Toys R Us hates Hondas. That's the only logical explanation.


    I just spit my Pepsi out all over my keyboard!


    But as for the whole Toys R Us thing, its our decision to not shop at that store as well as others that agree with us. We feel were not being given the time of day for trying to help local kids. The b.s response of "we are strictly committed to one charity" is crap! After sending at least 6-7 emails about receiving permission to just gather in the parking lot, and at least 5 calls to corp, thats the shitty, generic respone we got. I clearly stated that we were NOT setting up any booths or putting up any signs and we were NOT asking for any donations, we still got shut down. Their response over the phone the last time was "we have a no soliciting policy".


    Kind of funny to me that Meijer's has the same no soliciting policy, but there store director seen what we were doing as NO SOLICITING and as long as no signs and no booths were set up, he was perfectly ok with us simply using the parking lot and shopping at his store.


    end rant/

  3. Oh I fully am prepared to fire a letter to Toys R Us corp office. I dont know how many different calls/emails can be done and were done in the order several managers informed us of. Absolutely insane!


    I also find it odd that I give Meijers the same exact information that was given to Toys R Us and was given permission within 5 mins of speaking to the store director and Meijers store director stated they also have a no solicitating policy but said we clearly werent doing so, so I wonder why it was so hard for T r u to see that... /end rant!

  4. Relax, I think he was just pointing it out. :)


    Regardless, thanks for the info on that. I have the same problem with my TV that the OP has, but it comes and goes. Only happens with HD though. It hasn't gotten bad enough where I'm calling TW. Yet... :mad:



    I wouldnt wait to call though..dont want it to get worse. At least they can send a tech out to see whats going on, ya know?

  5. I work for Time Warner and have for almost 3 years, taken supervisor calls and dealt with this issue many times. When you have pixlating like that on your tv, its more then likely the signal coming into that box. Just because a tv that is cable ready with no box has no issues doesnt mean a tv with a box wouldnt pixilate. A tv that has any type of box requires a stronger signal to make it work properly. Usually if you are the only one in your immediate area that is having issues, its a single problem with the lines to your home, which this is what is sounds like.


    I completely understand being upset with it but calling in and demanding a supervisor, thinking that a supervisor in CUSTOMER SERVICE is going to be able to tell you exactly what is wrong and what needs to be done to fix it not going to happen. When you talk to a supervisor, just let them know your frustrated which Im sure they can tell by talking to you and they will get the information to a Tech Super (which will be the one to fix the issues) so he can get it fixed for you.


    As far as Time Warner fixing the Former Adelphia areas, this is a constant work in progress. You have to understand that some of Adelphia's plants were and are a little behind the times and its going to take Time Warner time to update all of these. People complain that they cant get certain services there like Phone, RoadRunner and HD....what is the point in trying to give people in these areas those services if we cant run then properly to begin with!?!?


    Not saying that you dont have a reason to complain, bc I definately would, but I can tell you from taking the supervisor calls, that the supers you talk to are limited to what they can do bc they are in a CALL CENTER. More then likely in a call center in Zanesville and Lima, so its not like those people can just run to a Tech Super for your area and be like hey this customer is having issues, can you fix this? We rely on emails for alot of communication so that in itself takes time!


    No matter what company is it, there is always going to be good and bad that you hear about them...WOW, Insight, ATT, Verizon, and Time Warner. I get my share of people that complain all day about any of these companies and I get my share of people that complain about Time Warner. If any of these companies were perfect, none of them would have retention depts, trouble calls to fix issues, etc.

  6. Looks great man, about time some other people start doing what needs to be done in the honda game. Look forward to seein ya out this summer.



    edit: just make sure that you drop a little oil in the cylinders if you don't plan on starting that motor anytime soon. I waited, didn't put oil on the walls, my sleeves got rust on em, had to have the block re-bored to get rid of the pitting.


    Hes been spraying WD40 and a little bit of oil down it...he has also been rotating it as well to keep all this from happening. He would cry if all his money went down the drain for nothing :)

  7. It should if she can learn to launch it. She can drive very well belive it or not, just need to get her more seat time when it comes to launching. I think I am more excited about doing her car then I have became with my own build lol. Maybe its cause I love CRX's so much


    Well its a good thing that we will have plenty of time perfecting my launch then huh!?!

  8. Well we got two of my b/f's dads friends to help out and there gonna do it in a steel shop tomorrow night and all you have to do is take the glove compartment out and move the condensor for the a/c and it should be good to go but takes some time!
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