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Posts posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. This reminds me of the gentleman that was WALKING on 270 by Grove City earlier this year, I saw what was left of him while heading home. More of a mess of blood and mangled limbs than a person. I just assumed it was a unfortunate motorcycle accident. Found out later he was just cruising, on foot... 270. Some acts that people do blow my mind. I don't know what the hell this guy was thinking. A bike? Work or not, you wouldn't find my ass on the freeway.
  2. I would fix it, then show up to court with proof of the fix and explain you were unaware of the problem at the time the ticket was given. I would think most judges would let you go w/o a charge, but you might have to pay court costs which would still be cheaper.




    Saved me some coin when I was called to Upper Arlington mayors court for "fictitious tags". I had purchased another car and had just sold my 5.0 to a buddy and he hadn't come to pick up just quite yet. For some reason it slipped my mind. I can't just throw the tags off the Mustang onto my new car. Just one of those brain dead moments, I had put together in my mind I had 30 days to transfer the tags. Didn't realize the big, oh you can't own both cars at the same time and share plates.


    I was pulled over in UA, convinced the car was stolen. I had quite the ordeal. Had to pop the hood so the officer could match the VIN off the block and compare them to the door jam and windshield. Quite the hassle but they were just doing their job. Went to mayors court showing proof that I had purchased tags for the new vehicle. Left with just I believe it was 50 dollars for court fees.

  3. Glad the family is OK. Kudos to you for not loosing your head since you had other people in the car. I hope justice is served.




    When I'm driving with my wife and our 8 month old daughter in the car and something like this happens, I find it extremely hard to stop fighting the feelings to lash out and lose it. I never have acted on my feelings nor will I (Love my two babies too much!), but the thoughts that cross my mind aren't the most pleasant to say the least. I go into Dad attack and protect mode.


    I commend you for staying cool headed. I'm glad to hear that the insurance company is helping you out. Justice has partially been served. Now if only some repercussion could happen to the fuck that started it all.


    +Rep for you sir.

  4. BTW fuck all those choices, get a Ford Expedition, you can carry you, a friend and 6 hookers anywhere you need to go.




    Parents had an '08 Expedition for awhile. Never had any issues with it, the room was amazing. It had decent pick-up for being a full size SUV, never towed with it though. I'm not even sure on towing specs to be honest. But I loved that damn truck. Gas mileage wasn't great but who gives a fuck. It was comfortable as hell and you could haul all your bitches and then some with ease.

  5. Anything to make a dollar... Pathetic. I've never heard such bullshit in my life. Get said service managers name and contact BBB. I can only imagine how many people without much knowledge eat that sort of shit right up.


    Go the route of someone here on CR. I've had more than enough help through people on here. You'll get the hook up yo.

  6. I have a fully built motor. 300 miles on it


    Price? I should have specified. I'm not looking for an all out race motor or anything fancy. Just a stock motor to replace the damaged one I have. My wife and I are down to sharing one car and with a 7 month old daughter and work I am desperately in need of a motor to relieve the pressure off my wife. So I'm looking for something quick and reasonably cheap.


    My fault brutha.

  7. I had an unfortunate mishap with the motor in my 1G currently (Exhaust valve broke, cylinder walls are donesky). I'm trying to avoid machining everything and being completely in the hole. Looks like I'm going to try and start fresh.


    If anyone has any running 4gs for sale let me know. I'm not looking for a half built 'used to run' motor. I need something complete if at all possible!


    Thanks for looking.


    - David

  8. Yes, the new Ford product offerings like the new Mustang, Focus, and Fiesta are making me interested in the Ford brand.




    I'm a Ford die-hard to begin with but it's nice to see Ford pulling their head out their ass and really coming out with consistent winners. They are going to draw a lot more followers with their most recent line-up, and take plenty of 'on the fence' people into Ford territory in the process.

  9. The Flex has always had an incredible soft spot in my heart and for some reason I love the styling. My wife and I have looked at them a number of times but as said before, the pricing is just a TAD out of range and by tad I mean tons :).


    What I couldn't get over is the amount of room inside. I'm 6'4" and I was able to sit just fine pretty much no matter where I was. Which is a big selling point for me. I always thought my only hope would be to purchase an Excursion to have some leg room.


    I don't know anything about the issues these cars have, but everyone I've talked to that own one have just raved about how great they are.

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