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Everything posted by Rustlestiltskin

  1. Yea they’re fun cars for the price. I’ve owned 2 of them simply for the fact that they were good deals. Both were modded. One had 410rwhp other had 450rwhp. Pretty reliable and comfortable.
  2. Just tossing this out as an option. You can find solid ls1/ls2 t56 GTO’s out there for $10-14k all day.
  3. :eek2: You seriously need to sell it for a premium and get your son a safe but beat up ride. I feel bad for the future of this Jeep when given to a fresh licensed 16yo kid.
  4. The name derives from Genkem, a brand of glues which had "become the generic name for all the glues used by glue-sniffing children" in South Africa, where the drug originated and is most popular on the African continent today. In the book Children of AIDS: Africa's Orphan Crisis by Emma Guest, the making of jenkem is described: "fermented human sewage, scraped from pipes and stored in plastic bags for a week or so, until it gives off numbing, intoxicating fumes."The process is similarly described in a 1995 IPS report: "Human excreta is scooped up from the edges of the sewer ponds in old cans and containers which are covered with a polyethylene bag and left to stew or ferment for a week."A 1999 BBC article refers to "the dark brown sludge, gathering up fistfuls and stuffing it into small plastic bottles. They tap the bottles on the ground, taking care to leave enough room for methane to form at the top." The effects of jenkem inhalation last for around an hour and consist of auditory and visual hallucinations for some users. In 1995, one user told a reporter it is "more potent than cannabis."A 1999 report interviewed a user, who said, "With glue, I just hear voices in my head. But with jenkem, I see visions. I see my mother who is dead and I forget about the problems in my life." Fumito Ichinose, an anesthesia specialist in Boston who conducted a study on the effects of hydrogen sulfide gas, or "sewer gas," on mice, informed Salon.com that holding your breath, choking, or "the inhalation of gases like those produced from jenkem could result in hypoxia, a lack of oxygen flow to the body that could be alternately euphoric and physically dangerous."
  5. Jenkem is an inhalant and hallucinogen created from fermented human waste. In the mid-1990s, it was reported to be a popular street drug among Zambian street children. They would put the feces and urine in a jar and cover it with a balloon then let it ferment out in the sun, then afterwards they would inhale the fumes created. In November 2007, there was a moral panic in the United States after widespread reports of jenkem becoming a popular recreational drug in middle and high schools across the country, though the true extent of the practice has since been called into question.Several sources reported that the increase in American media coverage was based on a hoax and on faulty Internet research.
  6. Duh brian. Just have somebody fight for you. http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/mj-laughing.gif
  7. Lol. Wags talking high hopes with this uber gig. Always thought it was something bored hipsters n old ppl did to pass time.
  8. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/113/324/PxCj4.gif?1302641091 http://i28.tinypic.com/105uvlf.gif
  9. I hear of doing this to wild hogs and pigeons in the states but this is crazy.
  10. Spot on Clay. Dude’s a fucking clown. Between his get rich flip/fake build threads to the shit he spews in the college football threads. Twinkle toes needs to vacate CR.
  11. So is anybody trying to start a pool or nah?
  12. Here’s 2 more pics http://i65.tinypic.com/316nhwx.jpg http://i63.tinypic.com/k6xqx.jpg
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