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About singleturbo3kgt

  • Birthday 06/09/1987

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Location
    westerville oh
  • Vehicles(s)
    wrx / s-dime

singleturbo3kgt's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hmm.. is this steve or steve's old car?
  2. I have a 99 s10 4X4 160k runs good! just needs some fuel pump work!
  3. 100 bucks!!!!!!!!!!! need them gone!
  4. Matt you live rite near me. We can meet up if you would like or you could come by.
  5. Need these things gone yesterday.....$150obo. good rubber all around. 614-517-5885. thanks kyle.
  6. looking for a wrx? let me know if your intersted in any trades.
  7. craigslist....you can find anything on there for hardly anything...from tires to someones wife.
  8. Get some DRs and slip the piss out of it......youll see your numbers.
  9. Awsome price should sell fast!
  10. One clean 2 shorty. Bump for a very nice car.
  11. cousins really looking for a DD ill have him take a look.
  12. singleturbo3kgt

    Dumb fuck.

    hookah bars suck. along with bob marley
  13. i got it a couple months ago...it'll be out come spring.
  14. welcome....i believe we know each other.
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