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Posts posted by WhiteT

  1. It's got Razor's kit on it, just hasn't ever been used. Hopefully he gets his drama taken care of and we can have some fun with it next year. I think it will make 550 as is with another 10psi and the converter locked. Heads are holding it back for sure, though.


    I gotta get my project underway... my T is going to get sold as a roller. Bought it cheap on Craigslist, I have another idea of a hybrid. :)


    Sounds good! I would do a fox body hybrid :D

  2. That weight isn't as bad as I would have thought. My car is 3550 with me, I weigh about 185 or so. It does look like it needs some decent heads and turbo. Should be able to do about 550+ or so on 93 and a 70, add some alchy and push it a little more.
  3. Yeah, car runs great now. Far better than a stock MAF TR, no tip in stumble or any of that lame crap. Throttle response is great. It's got an oil issue which we're pretty sure is the valve seals (did it with the last motor as well and the only thing that is the same is the heads). Justin has some bullshit going on right now that will hopefully be over by spring, I just talked to him a few days ago about it. I said put a 70mm on it finally and his reply was "I was thinking 74 or 80". I'm all about that. :D


    I don't remember what happened with the last motor, it spun a bearing just sitting at idle. New one is far better though... 250" stroker, big roller, etc. etc. Just has shitty stock heads and a 60mm turbo. It will wake up. He's not a hardcore racer though, so getting him to the track with it can be a PITA.


    Damn, he's got more cubes than me! I'm only at 234", but I spin mine to 7000.

  4. That's the one. Trans is sorted, I think that leak was a stupid 90* fitting or something. Yeah, has a MAFT Pro on it. Car made 410whp/450ft lbs on 16 or 17psi and almost no timing. Lonnie had it for quite a while building the motor and then Justin having shit come up. He's talking about finally putting a good set of heads on it and a 74 or 80...


    You probably know quite a few of the guys I know if you know Lonnie. One time we drove the car down there and pulled the tranny, Lonnie built it while we waited, put it back in and drove it home. :lol: ... he really wants Justin to take it down there to make some $ on the street with.


    That is a real sleeper! We could make some cash with it haha.


    I help Lonnie out at his shop every once in awhile when he gets busy, so I see pretty much everything that comes in and out of there. We were talking about how you could really take the money by putting my drivetrain in there lol. I guess you guys got the MAFT pro figured out? I know that car had an idling issue at one time. I messed with it a little, but my MAFT Pro knowledge isn't the greatest. i forget the story on that engine, I know it pretty much destroyed some parts though :eek:

  5. I don't think I've ever met him, but I talked to Vince Janis about him for a while. Seems like a pretty well liked guy.


    I've probably seen a few of his cars without even knowing it. I'll have to try to make that event next year if they do it again.


    As a side note I've seen your car quite a few times, I'm normally with the guy that has the 4 door Regal with curb feelers. :D



    I know that car. I have seen it at Lonnie's shop before. Does it have a MAFT Pro in it? I remember it had some strange tranny leak that we were trying to figure out.

  6. Richard, the guy that owns that garage, is always at the Buick races. Everytime I clean my garage and find old parts laying around, I put them in a box. He usually gives me about 50 dollars or so for stuff I'd just throw away. Cool guy.
  7. A lot of people say drink a lot of water before you go to bed, typically when I try to fill my stomach with liquid after drinking a lot I"ll just puke all over the place. Not becuase of intoxication, but just because I'm that full.


    What I've found ot be a perfect cure (not a prevention) is the "5-hour energy" drinks, those little ones that you get from the gas station, they've got some really crappy commercials on tv.


    Basically its got 2800% of your daily B12, plus some other crap to make you feel fantastic. It doesnt matter how bad I feel, one of these and i'll be good to go in 15-20 minutes.

    Thats what I posted on page 2. Good to see it works for others too.


    I think the danger people talk about with the energy drinks and alcohol are due to caffeine and other uppers such as that. The 5 Hour energy bottles have very low caffeine content. It's mostly made up of vitamins. If anything, I have been using that stuff before I drink for over a year or so....and I'm still alive lol.

  8. I always suffered from very bad hangovers. One night before going out, I was drained on energy. While buying my beer at the store, I noticed that 5 hour energy stuff. Thinking it would give me some extra go for the night, I chugged the small bottle as soon as I got in the car. That night I did some binge drinking with the buddies. All might I was mixing beer and liquor. Usually that makes the next day for me worthless.


    Anyways, I woke up the next day at 9 am and felt like a million bucks. I should have been hurting bad. Next week I did it again with the drinking and the 5 hour energy stuff. Again, same results. I told a few friends about it, and they had the same results.


    I've been told it can be taken the next day to cure a hangover, but I always do it beforehand so I don't know.


    If you read the bottle, its filled with all kinds of random vitamins. I guess that's why it works, no idea. But whatever, it works. Try it out! I'm anxious to see if others have the same results.

  9. This intro is full of Win.

    Thanks, I try lol.


    Got the cam in tonight! Hope to be back on the road in a week or so.

    Here is a pic of what's keeping me down. Notice the damage to the wheel :mad:


  10. To the people involved, sorry to hear this. I wish you guys the best!


    Anyways, I didn't read all the posts in this thread, but I would imagine drunk drivers take WAY more lives and cause WAY more accidents than street racing.

    Seems like in Cincinnati, there is at least one death from a dd accident every night. Can not tell you when the last street racing accident down here was. To me, the OSHP and other police agencies have their priorities all messed up. But hey, I guess catching some street racers makes a better story.

  11. Since I'm bored, I'll post more pics lol.


    Had to update the cage this winter. Also rewired the car. This is an ugly pic, but it shows some of the work being performed:



    NHRA certified!



    battery relocation:


    I used 1-0 wire for the relocating the battery. So far, no charging issues at all! I have since detailed the trunk and added a fuel cell, but my camera is being gay right now, so no new pics. Tonight I plan on putting the kids and wife to bed early (probably a no pussy night for me haha...wait a minute.... :mad: ) and finish my cam install. I'll try to get some pics if the camera decides to work.

  12. even more pics:


    engine stand pic:



    and the one that sucks the most....hit a deer in the fall :mad: It's all fixed now, but this is right after it happened:


  13. More pics:


    Looks a little different now, but this was a pic of the engine bay after I installed it last year (it's a little cleaner now):



    Putting it together:



    gapping the rings:



    pistons in:



    bottom end together:



    heads on:



    getting closer:


  14. I registered a while ago but never posted. Anyways, my name is Kevin and I have an '87 Buick Turbo T. I live in Cincy.


    Here's some pics:






    not the best interior pic, but it gives you an idea what it looks like inside



    Right now the car is down due to a turbo failure. Should be up and running in a few weeks. I'm taking advantage of the down time to install a new cam that should help it out a little. I plan on going to National Trail in the beginning of August for a Buick race up there.

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