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Posts posted by blackz34

  1. i was up saturday night of bike night and thought it was lame.... was there any stunting going on cause i didnt see any?

    it was very lame, nothing compared to last year

  2. no one is gunna get ambushed. and no one car is gunna get messed with. just come over to the fast pay day loans building. no signs posted and no bullshit to deal with.
  3. I think I may have to go check out Parkave soon.... sounds like cool place to have a good laugh people watching. It cant be that bad...they cant have less teeth per person then people in Mt. Vernon :D

    i think that spooling1g on here goes to these meets, he used to drive the red 1st gen. he usually comes out.

  4. i think that smitty has a good idea about the whole offline thing. i think that if we had some type of meet or anything that we could finally get to see some racing. but thats just what i feel will work best.
  5. This is the deal we where out of town last weekend there is 7 prostreet cars waiting on anyone one with anything you want to bring tonight at park ave so if you guys are really what you say you are and are such big badass racers will see you there tonight if you got the balls to come take our money " YOU BEAT US YOU OWN PARK AVE "we really dont think you got the balls or the cars to run with us so if you do show up tonight cause we know what we got and we sure the fuck aint scared of you bitches "BRING IT " the ball is in your court now we are ready and waiting
  6. I got $1000 says I'll eat your Z34 with any one of my cars. You game?

    why would u even wanna waste the time to race my z34, its slow. but what im trying to figure out is how people said there is no fast cars in mansfield but when we get some for you no one wants to race or they wanna race slow cars.

  7. i know this needs to die but read the topic in the meetings and gatherings section that i have started. i have people with money in hand that will be ready to go tonight. so i wanna see how many are actually gunna come up and do something. so if there are any takers let me know by pm and if u need directions or need to call me for me pm me.
  8. okay so here is the deal, i know that there was already a big thing about park ave. screw that. alright i have confirmed with someone here and is calling out any of u with the fast cars he has got a 1000 dollars cash for a race, and i guarentee that there is gunna be more faster cars out there. now i have been promised this buy alot of people so its gunna happen. we will all be at the fast payday loans on park ave. so now is the time to stop talking shit and man up and race. everyone should be out around 10 or 10:30 or earlier. but i can tell u right most racing will go on alittle later in the night once shit clears up and the ricers leave. so if u want to race and maybe take home some money, then i guess that u should show up. pm me if u want any directions or my cell number to contact me personally.
  9. This is buckeyegt's friend, i'm from the mansfield area and it is usually swamped with ricers and gay fucking cars. If you guys want to see some nice cars and bikes that are willing to do some crazy shit, come up on bike night when the superbikes are racing in mid-ohio. Park ave use to have a ton of sweet ass cars, but all the old fucks with bad fucking muscle cars stopped bringing their 69 camaros, cobras and vette's out about 8 years ago when all the neons and civics started cruising.


    finally someone speaks some truth about park ave. the last three years have changed.

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