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Posts posted by baron_

  1. Probably. It's definitely flash and pomp, which will appeal to young kids.

    If your brothers are highly critical....it might not be good

    I suggest you take liquor, because you'll want it. Liquor and a nap.

    Not a single person out of 20+ people I went with was happy


    It's mostly the ringleader talking to you about how amazing the event is..and how it's magical.


    I remember Barnum when I was 5. Tons of animals.

    3 different rings of stuff going on at all times.

    High wire acts, scary clowns running around - cool chit



    In this version, they have high school kids dressed up as clowns.

    And most of the event is them doing stupid chit. A lot of comedy and silly stuff.

    A few horses, elephants and some tigers (at the end). I didn't even see a monkey

  2. I'd certainly like one of these freebies.


    And wouldn't be opposed to buying one of his others....if I can get one 'free'

    I think that's very reasonable


    Any left?



    I'm an attorney. I'll use the pen quite a bit....and will pass along if anyone else sees 'em and wants one

  3. i want to see the piece of pizza =]


    neat technology though


    How are the prices? Regular chroming is stupid expensive anymore. More or less than that?


    What would a single valve cover (v8) cost, for example?



    I like the look of black chrome under a hood

  4. here we go again...in 8 hours the story is going to change to him only having a few cuts and scrapes, and he will be released from the hospital...there will be rumors that his fiance tried to run him over with the truck, and then 5 million bitches will start saying that he fucked them while he was engaged to her....same shit, different celeb, even less level of care


    Well done.



    yea i agree with you as well. not going to read the thread. dont care to listen to a bunch of tools. you must be one pathetic, sick, and unhappy person to rip on a dead man.



    Why must I be nice to the dead? Does dying change what you've done in your life? Does it give you a free pass? I don't get it...







    Anyway, yea. It sucks when anyone else dies. RIP, Chris Henry. I wish it hadn't happened...it's a horrible thing....many families destroyed in this.....


    But I'm going to be quite aggravated hearing about this for the next few weeks...as everyone waxes eloquently about how nice of a fella this guy was, how he was turning his life around, how blah blah blah


    The guy was a fucking idiot. He was a train wreck.

    Back to college, when Rich Rodriguez called him an embarrassment to the the university...and continuing throughout his NFL career.


    Here's a 14 second google search result:

    Henry was selected by the Bengals in the third round of the 2005 NFL draft and was arrested twice during his rookie season, for marijuana possession and on a weapons charge.


    He received a two-game suspension from the NFL in 2006 and then was banned for the first half of the 2007 season for repeat violations of the league’s personal-conduct policy. Henry had been arrested for driving under the influence and also spent two days in jail for drinking in a hotel room with underage girls.


    After his fifth arrest, Hamilton County Municipal Court Judge Bernie Bouchard said to Henry, “You’ve kind of become a one-man crime wave,” according to the Enquirer.


    You can debate many of the charges above...you can debate the internet flooded with pictures of him and young women, drinking/whatever....but the sheer volume of bad press this guy has is hard to ignore.


    Have you ever heard a press conference or interview with Chris Henry?

    Oh. My. God.

    I'd put money on him not being able to read a McDonald's menu.




    And again, not that I don't have sympathy for the families involved...or say that you shouldn't pray for him, if you choose to...

    It's horrible that at least 3 children (probably more) are going to grow up without a father. Well, probably horrible. . .

    But lets not hear all the bullshit about how incredible a fella this was. You're joking yourself.



    ...there's my lack of empathy for the week

  5. Camaro for reasons you've already stated.


    Neater car. More unique.

    It'll hold its value, if not go up. Camaro prices are stupid high.


    Your vette goes down in value every year...with the newer models coming out, or with every extra mile you put on your model

  6. I hate hippies. I put it on the same level as hunting and fishing.



    Anyway, here's some of the larger ones we found yesterday. You can see none of them are fresh. This was a single patch...maybe 5 square yards. Probably the best 'patch' I've ever found. Quite fun.

    And also the largest i've ever found. A few of those are the size of a very large human hand


    Found lots of smaller ones



    I think the season is already done. My friends in southern Ohio have only found dried up ones today. I found 20 or 30 decent yellows today and not a single one was fresh.





    Sidenote: I just tried frying some in Olive Oil. Not bad at all!

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