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Posts posted by 93toNV

  1. The wife and I went and looked at an 05 GMC Envoy today and were pretty impressed with it. I was just curious if there is anything to look for as far as problems and just what your general opinions are of them. A little info, its an 05 with 67000 on it and they want $12995. Is that too high? Thanks for the input!
  2. My uncle tows his nova to norwalk quite a bit and has an 06 Explorer. Its the v8 version i believe and he hasnt had any issues whatsoever in the last 4 years hes towed with it. I guess everyone has their own opinions but I think as long as the car being towed is properly loaded on the trailer and the weight is centered well you shouldnt have issues. Ive rode with him a few times and with the v8 I really didnt even notice the trailer being back there, I cant speak for the v6 though.
  3. Tauri are all gay. Especially SHO's.


    LOL Damn yous!!!!! :finger: You leave the SHO alone right now! :) But in all seriousness, Northstars are a nightmare and as soon as I read the topic of your post "head gaskets" immediately popped into my head. Trust me you can pic up a taurus, cavalier, escort or civic for like $1500 and have it save you on gas and be 1000x more reliable than that caddy. Good luck sir, and remember...just say no!

  4. An 89 :eek: Sounds freaking awsome man i love the 1st gens. Got any pics yet?


    I have a few, lemme get it painted first for full effect! Also, im trying to decide. Do I repaint it the stock Titanium silver color or go with my favorite ford color and go Sonic Blue!? Decisions decisions...

  5. So... 93toNV, did you pick up that new SHO or what?


    Sure did! Im loving it. 89 titanium with rod shifter upgrade. Has 130k on her, just did the 60k tune up and the dynomax exhaust should be here next week! Then its time to hit the paint booth.

  6. shit then drool on these





    ROFL that cavi looks damn near like the same car with different paint. Win!

  7. Isnt 45k for a fully optioned one? Im pretty sure most SHO options can be had at the lower starting price of 38k. Im not sure what all you lose as far as options but I know the starting price for the 2010 SHO is 38k
  8. hmmmm... my interpretation:


    Some dude is driving to pick up your parts for a buddy, who he doesn't really like. To make it worth the driver's time, he is overcharging, taking a cut of the sale, and giving you a little extra too - just cause he's a good guy. While the driver is there, he might look at some of your other parts for his personal use. The driver finishes with an entertaining metaphor about picnics.


    If he shows up and is willing to pay extra, I'd say let him do it!


    This is what I got from it. So what exactly are you asking?

  9. My point was that you were saying all of these negative things about it just because of something a reviewer wrote in a magazine. Answer me this...have you personally driven the new SHO? Do you know for a fact how the brakes feel, how the transmission shifts? NO you go off of what you read. So when you are crying about me not liking people having opinions, you are wrong. I hate when people take the opinion of someone else and type it here as it is their belief. That makes you the sheep, not me. It doesnt really matter dude, you just keep reading your reviews and let the reviewers make your mind up for you. If I want to know more about a car. I go out and drive the damn thing myself. :asshole:
  10. First off when was I acting big and cocky? Secondly the new SHO starts at 38k NOT 45k. Anyway it doesnt really matter. I never said I was a HUGE fan of the new SHO, but at the same time im not going to sit on CR and rip apart a car im sure you NEVER even drove yet. I make an opinion after I have driven the vehicle, I dont go bitch about it because of what someone wrote in a magazine....
  11. theirs always sho taurus's at pick n pull, ive seen them their the past 3 times i've gone, i saw one today and they had an sho motor siting on the floor in the main building, lol


    WOW imagine that! A car that has been around for that last 20 years would have a few of them at A pick'npull!!! THATS AMAZING!!!!!! Anyway, what exactly is your point???? :asshole:

  12. Did you just say Taurus and Luxury in the same sentence ?


    Yes I did! SHOs are a luxury car whether you want to believe it or not. How many SHOs have you ever driven?...let alone rode in. Your bias for audi is getting quite annoying. You are one of those snobby audi owners that think just because a car doesnt have the name Audi plastered all over it, that it isnt worth your time. Well get your head out of you a**!!!! There are other cars out there that even OUTCLASS the audi's.......and the SHO IS one of them! :gtfo:

  13. Theirs just simply better cars for the money youd have to pay to maintain an SHO, even more if your building on it. That and the only thing the SHO's really had going for them was the yamaha built engine which by now has surely racked up an ungodly amount of miles (along with everything else on the car).


    Edit: What I'm getting at with the zero potential is, car is passed its prime, their are better cars for the money, etc, etc, etc.


    Ah ok gotcha. I do agree the car is past its prime, but it still does have alot of local followers and parts are pretty easy to come by. Oh and SHOs arent really bad for the money. Is there any cars that you would consider in its class as far as performance and luxury for under 2k?

  14. Almost bought an early 90's SHO a month or 2 back. This thread pretty much summed up why I changed my mind. That and owning 2 cars with zero potential seemed like to much fail for one person.


    zero potential? I understand what you are talking about with the Galant, but im not quite sure why you seem to think SHO's have zero potential...:confused:

  15. It's not my fault Ford had to get a japanese motor in their cars in order for them to do anything ;).


    Actually, its still a Ford block, it was sent to yamaha for special treatment :) And our N/A motor is STILL able to run right with your SUPERCHARGED motor...LOL man I knew I could get you to fire back..he he all in good fun man! ;)

  16. Absolutely right. My old sho would only be able to muster up a 14.8 while my buddies 5.0 went 14.0 flat. Anyway to make a long story short we lined them up from a 40mph roll and the SHO just WASTED that fox. From a dig however...that was another story. When roll racing a SHO you need to find a starting speed that you can be at about 3700rpms when you hit it, that means as soon as u gun it, the rpms will instantly sweep over 4k and HELLO SECONDARIES!!!!!! :bangbang:
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