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Everything posted by TheHaze

  1. +1 I'm building a new pc after I see how the demo runs. <3
  2. Hmmm, sounds like all of the 2008 Democratic candidates. But seriously, black beans aren't even that good at Chipotle.
  3. Fuck yes. Obviously if I don't think like you, it's blatantly clear that I'm close-minded. Damn my unwillingness to subject myself to your enlightening ways.
  4. my Samsung 32" makes a buzzing sound coming out the back after being on a few minutes
  5. Yay. I was offered the job. Goodbye retail!
  6. LOL, the internet just stopped working for a few minutes and I was thinking Thorne fucked something up.
  7. +1 for you Mr. Thorne. I agree.
  8. Definitely agree on considering a manual. I just think it would be a better starting platform to know the mechanics of a car and paying attention. I started with an auto Civic and my first winter of driving I was in my one and only accident. I've had 5 or 6spd cars ever since and haven't come even close to another accident.
  9. Right, crime IS rampant...and this IS a crime, so I fail to see your thought process, or lack-there-of. He didn't just kill 8 dogs, he gambled on them, trained them unnaturally, treated and killed them in inhumane ways and potentially hurt the respective breeds of dog involved, spawning more legislature attempts throughout the country to ban "dangerous" dogs.
  10. "Invincible Mouth" HAHAHAHAHA
  11. I wouldn't consider that much personal profit. Besides, Michael Vick is a moron.
  12. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e91/Turborust/blowgun.jpg You sure look satisfied in this picture.
  13. NWS This was posted in the video responses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?watch_response=&v=bQdQnK7GHOw lol
  14. +1. I got an fm transmitter for my Zune and returned it the same day. It sounds horrible. If your head unit has an aux input then go that route.
  15. Chenga? The indoor park in Cleveland? I love that place! Aren't you on ohiodrifting?
  16. LOL how many times has Bob Saget used that line?
  17. Interior shots? How reliable would you consider this?
  18. A guy screamed "FAG!" at me in my car.
  19. LOL. I love Bullshit, such a great show.
  20. +1 the trannies are abundant at all times. As far as midwest, I hate Lima. Not a big fan of Harrison either.
  21. What if the chair legs break...
  22. Does anyone know if the are typically a lot of people applying for this position? I just want to know if should be worrying about competition. Also, she told me to dress casually; is this a trap or should I really just wear khakis and a nice shirt?
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