Forgive me, as I have no composure, but I need some moral support right now. My 17 year old yellow lab mut is being put to sleep right now. He is the kindest dog I've ever met and I'm balling like a child right now over this. He went out to pee yesterday, wagging his tail and all, but when he came inside he started throwing up white foam. He can't hold down water or food now and I think he's showing signs of bloat. He's too weak for meds and it seems nothing can be done. He yelped all through the night and I can't bare to see him like this any longer.
My mother is driving him to the vet right now to be put down. He squirmed and cried all night but just moments before I carried him to his favorite seat in my mom's car, he calmed down. I've never seen him so relaxed before. I wrapped him in the same pink towel that I held him for the first time in when we first adopted him 17 years ago. I held him there for a moment and kissed his soft furry cheek and said goodbye and thanked him for being my buddy for so long. Here's to you, M.J.