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Posts posted by Darkhorse

  1. Went as a guest and snapped 378 pics and took a bunch of videos. Got some of the bike guys as well.






    Had a great day, finally met Anthony and was able to hang out a bit with my good friend Ray (Koolrayz).


    Thanks for having me.



    EDIT: Had to create the photobucket account so let me know if I copied the correct link, i've never used photobucket so bear with me. Also, I did not go thru the photos and remove "like" pics - I simply uploaded every one of them that I took.

  2. I was intentionaly not building boost and leaving really soft. I made alot of changes to the drivetrain and suspension. Need to get a feel for things before I start to lean on it.


    Glad to see everything is coming together nicely Ray!



    Looking forward to hanging out sometime again, this has been a bad year.




  3. Funny, we bash smokers - the latest trend - yet we still sell the shit (more expensive now too) but make ridiculous claims that smoking raises health care costs, blah blah blah, and the whole time it's some grossly overweight fat fuck in a suit telling you this. The epitomy of heart attack victim, high cholesterol, stroke ready fat fucks telling me that I should quit smoking, or, I cannot be hired because I smoke. Yeah, because treating heart disease is cheap nowadays - there must be rebates floating out there somewhere.



  4. what were you doing? You clearly state "Me and my friend were messing around"


    What seems harmless to you may be major to a homeowner in that neighborhood.


    I see some 18 year old numbnuts and his friend doing donuts, burnouts, throwing shit out their windows ie... your words "messing around" in my fucking neighborhood, where MY kids play, where MY tax dollars are spent, where MY fucking family is spending 100k to live - you better believe your going to have a fucking problem on your hand.


    It's called common courtesy dude. Grow up, start a family, buy a house, and I guarantee your views will change.


    I have a high school 2 streets away from me - the little punk motherfuckers used to think the neighborhood was theirs - intimidating the elderly, littering, breaking into garages, etc... All it took was a couple near beatdowns from some of us 'younger' owners for them to knock that shit out.

  5. I think you are right... it is hypocritical to tax and sell alcohol then put people in jail for weed.



    Weed will never be legalized because the govment cannot make money off of it. Think about it - how many people can afford their own microbrewery to support their alcoholic ways? How many people can afford/have the room to grow their own tobacco to support the addictive nature of cigarettes? Let alone have access to the extremely harmful carcinogens that are added to tobacco?


    No, the average person cannot do any of this, thus, the need for factories, brewery's, etc.... to make the crap for them, allowing the govment to tax that - they make a fucking KILLING off of alcohol and tobacco.


    How you gonna tax fucking Bob down the street for taking 1 seed and a small corner of his backyard and turning it into enough weed for the summer? NOTHING added but God's sun, rain and soil.

  6. I have a couple pics of the headers somewhere - i'll dig them up.


    Part number is posted somewhere as well - i'll find that too.


    They're equal length headers, and the car is garage kept.





  7. Dont have any of that stuff, I have abunch of fox interior stuff and a 302 canton windage tray with milodon stud kid for it and some new aluminum underdrive pulleys thats about it so if any one that stuff sparks your interest let me know...



    The oil pan is a need item for me. Send me a PM if your interested in that kit for the intake/spacer.




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