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Everything posted by virgo420

  1. Quick way to tell if its a muscle or not: Lay flat on your back, with your legs extended. Raise your legs off the floor (that contracts your abs) and press on the spot on your abdominal wall that was painful. If you can fully reproduce the pain you're having - its muscle pain. If you press and don't feel any pain where you push, the origin of the pain is deeper in your abdomen - time to see your doc.
  2. I think that what was wrong was: 1. The movie - R rated, was shown to elementary school kids 2. The teacher made it a "little secret" thing - closing the door and so on 3. Some fukhead wants to sue for 400 grand for damages to his little girl from watching the movie - WTF is that about?? I also think some of you are somehow scared/intimidated by the gay theme of the movie - WTF is that about?
  3. Since the headers were mine, figured I'd post here... I wanted different headers because they hung down too low and scraped on bumpy roads. No problem if our roads were maintained, but, since our taxes seem to go for other things, I got tired of scraping. To my knowledge, there is a dent in one side, but no leak or hole. There was a leak where they bolted up in the engine compartment, but that seemed to be a gasket issue, not the headers themselves. The remainder of my exhaust leak problem had nothing to do with the SLP headers - it was dang near every component that the previous owner had jury rigged beyond the headers, thus, my decision to have IPS do the entire exhaust system. I went with Kooks headers, they tucked up real nice under the WS6.
  4. The x-ray he posted only had the knee screws in view - I didn't see the ankle.
  5. I work for a Trauma Center in town - looking a your x-ray, the screws definitely are not too long. Too short is the big bad thing, those are just about right. If you did this last October, it is probably way too soon to take anything out, especially since your femur was badly comminuted. Regarding your numb foot - if it interferes with function - as in walking - you need a referral to someone for an EMG, you may have damaged a nerve. You had a nasty injury dude! Good luck with the rest of your recovery!
  6. Cool vid, the old lady rocks! http://www.buzzhumor.com/videos/4329/Airplane_Lands_on_405
  7. That vid wuz of coltboostin on the only date he ever had with a girl, notice that they speak some kind of screwy gibberish in cleveland and subtitles were necessary!
  8. Hell no I wouldn't pimp that thing - I'd either sell it to a pimp at a profit, or sell it to a funeral home.
  9. virgo420

    3 word story

    they wiggle jiggle
  10. Wow! I've DUI'd more than I thought, which I thought was not at all! Come out of the bar, decide not to drive, wait for a buddy in the lot - turn on the car so I don't freeze my nuts off - thats freakin DUI!?!? Our laws and legal system make sooooo muck sense!! (Grammar/typo intentional)
  11. The first time I tuned in to Howard Stern his show pissed me off - big time. Of course, I had to listen the next day, and the day after that, ad infinitum... I just couldn't stand to not wake up to his banter in the morning. The first time I spent an hour or so reading some of the moronic banter on CR, I thought I'd never come back, but the next day, there I was, glued to the monitor with my mouth hanging open, reading more silliness. Now that Howard has moved off the public airwaves, I wanna thank CR for providing me with an alternate source for no-cost brainless entertainment.
  12. Its got AFR heads, TR 230/236 cam, whisper lid, P/P TB, B&M short shifter, Walbro pump, a QTP cut-out that crapped out after 3 days of use, SLP LTs that were on it when I bought it - 2-3 inches of ground clearance, Dynomax muffler, !CAGS, !cats, !AIR, !EGR, and prolly some other crap that I forgot to list. My dyno sheet is the top one Eric posted on the thread about LSx tuning. Could probly get a few more HP outta it, but I wanna be safe and not blow anything up yet!
  13. I've been around for awhile, but found CR not long ago - great site! I've got 2 TAs - stock 00, modded 02. Prolly see y'all around...
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