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Everything posted by Comebackkid

  1. my dad was messing with it and removed one of the lens and it leaked out all the fluid its a lx model an old one
  2. Moto gp 07 10.00 Soldier of Fortune: Pay Back 15.00 NCAA 08 10.00 Gears of war 25.00 call of duty 4 Modern warfare40.00 Like to sell asap...Games come cases and booklets and all work Trade a game for a VGA PC hookup from xbox to computer monitor
  3. I have a xbox360 to trade and cash and a jato 3.3
  4. ok then does anyone have a 50 ft or bigger ethernet cable?
  5. I have things to trade for it and it has to be unlocked 07 Traxxas t maxx 07 Traxxas jato 22in acer 1080i computer monitor Maybe acouple of other things I'm also looking for a really long ethernet cable like 50ft or more asap
  6. It's for 12' subs 25$$$ or put in anything it will fit in working on pics
  7. Has been cut for a four cylinder but can easly put back for 6cyl or 8cyl 100$$ need sold bye 2morrow or monday starting a new job
  8. I have a used Monster gt with the 4.6 motor./pro 21.Have proline tires barley used.The motor has about one gallon maybe 1 1/2 threw it and has GREAT compression with a tune pipe on it and I have a air plane gas tank to go on it so you don't have to refill as quick.Comes with remote and fresh batteries and a glow ignitor with charger I have 2 different bodies for it. Like to trade for a smaller traxxas jato 3.3 or let me know what kinda of traxxas you have Nitro only http://columbus.craigslist.org/tag/930021752.html
  9. Let me know if you have one forsale or a 80cc or 100cc dirt bike
  10. My dodge but I don't fell like messing with it but obo like today
  11. %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee221/scottsshelby/intercooler.jpg[/img] %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee221/scottsshelby/intercooler2.jpg[/img] %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee221/scottsshelby/intercooler3.jpg[/img] %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee221/scottsshelby/aaaa10412.jpg[/img]
  12. XSpower bought it 2months ago and never used it 150 obo
  13. Sale pending any take if the deal don't fall through?
  14. You can go all the way to 16gb.It has handwriting and camcorder.Yes thats the nokia5300
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