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Rice Eater

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Posts posted by Rice Eater

  1. Hopefully you tore into a flat SIX or somebody robbed you lol. I had a '63 and a '64 in high school. The are much like working on a VW, pull the engine to do major stuff. Just get all the tins back on. And keep an extra fan belt, they don't last long with that twisting 90 degree turn they make.
  2. It's too bad that they can't or won't pay the wages necessary to attract and retain quality people who will perform the duties necessary. In the other hand, maybe the employees are performing exactly as they are expected to, I have no way to know which scenario is the correct one. What I do know is I have run a business, and to be successful and make a profit you need to make the customer WANT to come back. Their stance reminds me of a training tape we had for new sales clerks showing the way not to treat the customer saying "buy it or don't buy it, like I don't really care". It would seem the employees at NTR "don't really care".
  3. I would pay a little more. What would it take, an extra $5 per entry? What did we have, 50/60 cars, extra $300 and they keep it prepped like Jeggie was bringing his p/s out.


    Heck I wasted $35 on race gas, $20 on gas for the truck, plus the entry, $5 or $10 more would have been worth it for a clean pass.

  4. Ok so I can't seem to find the Signatures for dummies thread. How can I put a photo for my signature using my Photobucket? I tried the IMG address and the HTML one both with the "http://www." that is in the "UserCP" box and without it. It keeps saying invalid file.


    Thanks for any help.

  5. Ok that makes me feel better. I run a lot at NTR on Friday nights, then at KilKare when NTR is running other events on Fri. I'm always in that range except at our track day. I also looked at my log book for last years CR day and it was similar.


    I didn't want to come out and say it sucked before asking what others experienced as I know some of you put your time and effort into making this happen for all of us.


    Given the option, I would pay more if we could insure a better starting line. Maybe I should have unhitched the Suburban and tried it instead haha, or the wife's MB.


    Thanks for the feedback, I was ready to buy new slicks and shocks, I'll wait until 5/19 and see if its back for the slicks TnT.

  6. This is primarily directed towards guys running slicks that launch hard, 1.50 or better 60'. I'm curious if anyone else had trouble with spinning on Friday. My car is normally pretty consistent in the 1.47=1.51 range for 60', but the best pass I made was a single 1.527 with the rest in the 1.61-1.755 range. The couple changes I made for the day were very minor(fuel mix) and longevity(rocker girdles), so nothing that should have radically boosted horsepower.

    Curious what other people experienced. Thanks for your constructive feedback.

  7. May 1st is fine for me. I'm not enthused about running 1 lane at all, sometimes the wait is long enough and people like to run against another car. I would do 1/8th if I had no other choice, but doubt I would attend for 1 lane or double the price for the IFO deal.
  8. I live off 674 between Circleville and Amanda and work near 104 and Alum Cr. My "normal" work schedule was 8-4, but I gradually changed it to 4-12 and I see virtually no traffic in either direction except on Gender at noon. I hate going to bed early, but I have less road rage than I used to have.


    If you decide to cut up through Lithopolis, be advised the cop likes hiding in people's driveways and just over hills! You also have Madison Twp, Franklin and Fairfield Sheriff, Highway patrol, and Groveport Police looking for revenue in the early hours.

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