I've owned my 03 WRX since 60,000mi and it's been pretty good to me. When I bought it the car had a catless up-pipe and full 3in catless turbo back. With that being said I purchased an Cobb AccessPort, flashed stage 2 and she's been a great daily driver ever since. Some issues I have had were:
1. Cracked Radiator at about 80k
2. Broken windsheild wiper linkage at around 70k
3. Blown struts at about 123k
4. Bad O2 Sensor at 110k
5. Stripped oilpan drain plug (not the vehicles fault) at 90k
6. CV joint boot split @ 75k
The car now has 123,000mi on it and I still love the thing. When we had the "blizzard" a year or two ago and most cars were stranded the AWD was great. Note I don't beat on my car by any means as its my only vehicle but I do have fun while driving it. I'd definetly recommend a WRX to anyone looking for a fun daily driver.