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Everything posted by STEVE-O

  1. let me see if i can get a pic.. might not be until tom it looks just like this one though http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.pyramidprecision.com/wp-content/uploads/catablog/thumbnails/millermatic-185-wire-welder.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.pyramidprecision.com/equipment/&usg=__9PH2Sj3vrcJEfmXNPUrQW4bxli4=&h=200&w=200&sz=62&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&tbnid=cqcuuWPO-2rFuM:&tbnh=104&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmillermatic%2B185%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1 and its got a brand new spool
  2. no. It is in great shape like said you will not be dissapointed with it. come take a look at it I am sure you will want to take it home
  3. hours unknown but ithink it is a 2005.. its in great condition tried to call you no answwer so I left you a message
  5. Hours to come pick it up???
  6. 550??? Come on someone pick this up it is a steal
  7. OK After about three hours of reading online etc etc I think it is actually the ignition switch... This sends power to that climate unit and the dic. Anyone else have this kind of problem???
  8. Just like the title says its in great condition. Located in hilliard. Asking $650 obo for it. It does still have some gas in the tank but not sure how much. any questions just ask and I will be happy to answer.. Make some offers anything reasonable will not be turned down
  9. I was also told by a friend who works for napa. Went there and at 9:40 got the last set of air tools they Had and the last set of 165 piece tool set. Also picked up a 5 piece set of ratcheting wrenches. So 10 bucks for the toys I brought 25 more for tools are worth about 225 bucks. Not to bad at all... anyone else make it out to this???
  10. SWEET That helps out for sure... I guess I will find some free time after work this week and take a look at the conections on it first...
  11. ok so it only works on high setting (5) resistor is bad right?? wrong.. Well after replacing the resistor come to find out that now the head unit will not turn on the lights when changing to a/c or defrost. Also the air only comes through the ground nothing else.. So I am def thinking its the head unit at this point but dont want to toss any more parts at it without being sure.. Anyone ahve another idea or agree with me that it HAS to be the unit??
  12. I want to say they are a 14 for some reason
  13. so is this the entire car or just a trans??
  14. dont think you can turn it off for good but you can always take the 75- 100 sensors out of the wheels and put in regular stems and ignor the light dont take it to a dealer its a waste of money.. you can buy the sensor at any local store just need to make sure the shop ( ntb or whoever) has the tools to program the new sensor if it needs it... And I am sure ntb will with how many tires they do...
  15. sorry glws looks like my cousin is not interested in them at this moment but if he becomes interested again I will keep you in mind
  16. let me see if my cousin has bought his glock yet he may be interested in this
  17. STEVE-O

    umm ?

    lol I got five cigs left after those are out I am done its to cold for this shit
  18. There is one on 256 I forget exactly where but is not hard to find. Its in between refugee and tussing
  19. this exhaust is very nice. its not loud at all or anything sounds really good on the car
  20. ??? Just a quick thought maybe the battery in the key is going out and it is loosing its programing??
  21. this is a shot in the dark but maybe a inertia switch is going bad??
  22. probably need to reprogram the key after switching the battery. If you have two keys you can follow these steps Items needed: 1. 2 pre-programmed transponder keys. 2. 1 new transponder key The timing is critical to this procedure, please read through the entire procedure before attempting. Procedure: 1. Insert one of the pre-programmed transponder keys and turn the ignition to \"on\", leave on for at least one second (I wait until the red key symbol in the instrument cluster extinguishes), remove the key from the ignition. 2. Within 5 seconds insert the second pre-programmed key and urn the ignition to \"on\" for at least one second but no more than 5 seconds (use the key symbol for this as well) then remove the second key. 3. within 10 seconds insert the new key in the ignition and turn the ignition to \"on\", if you are successful the red key symbol will illuminate then extinguish after about a second. If you are not successful the red key symbol will flash repeatedly to indicate that you have inserted an invalid key. Remove the key, wait a minute and try it again, it took me a few times to get it perfect and I had done it before. If you only have one key try unhooking the battery for about 15 minutes and see if that resets it all for you
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