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Posts posted by 700hp

  1. Powers, you can read this too




    You can look at the logs. We have given nothing but the facts.


    Yes-I indeed don’t know another 67xwhp Sti, for the simple fact that it seems to take a modern miracle to make that kind of power with one and it has proven to be now a terrible great choice for a straight line racer.


    The can has never, not once been turned up since the new owner has had it in his possession. Logs were taken before we left just to make sure everything was sound with the map John sent. Every thing was gravy-11.0-11.5 AFR’s across the board-15-16psi of boost. Yet, still the thing shits a bearing. This is the 3rd time now since he has own the car that a motor failure has occurred, the first time being when your rebuild fail-or have you so soon forgotten?


    And lets say hypothetically we did turn the boost up-lets say we were shooting for 40psi on c16. That’s not going to cause a bearing failure either.


    I have been more involved in this since day on either YOU or POWERS, yet as per the usual powers spouts off like he knows exactly what the fuck is going on, and everyone else is in the dark. Since the first failure, Ange Sr. and Angelo have spoken with me at length about “what to do next”… Step one should have been to not purchase this basket case.


    first of all you don't have any logs I know this because I was was contacted by angelo asking me how to even upload the hydra software on his computer so I'm pretty sure you weren't logging if you couldn't even upload the program.


    second if you think you have been more involved in the situation since day one than i'll send you the receipts I have from the money I spent to rebuild the motor the first time and you can ask my wife about the 60 hours I spent doing all the work on the car or the many many phone calls I have had with angelo sr. & jr.


    The fact of the matter is I really don't care about this car anymore I just really can't stand you JP.


    If you are really so concerned and have really been so involved than why don't you help them out this time or are you to busy "spouting off" on all the forums all the time.

  2. The call was made as an inquiry, yes. But, the boost never left the 15psi mark.

    Matter of fact, HIS map is the only one the car ran OK with.

    I am pointing no fingers, because I don’t know enough factual information about the situation.



    Yea because when I owned the car it never ran good, right? name another sti you know of that made more power than this car when I owned it.


    And second - no you don't know enough factual information about the situation.


    This motor would have gone 100k miles @ 15psi with no problems.

    so don't tell me that the boost never went over 15psi.

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