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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. If hal ever changed, the world would stop rotating immediatley.
  2. brb texting my friend who has an unmolested 03 evo with 43k miles...telling hiim to keep it.
  3. or a trapper who raps about trapping? in the trap house....
  4. i see what you did there,....
  5. He doesnt have the money to pay him back... yet he can buy a car?? http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90046
  6. They are trying to clean shit up and make me happy.
  7. when i lowered my focus i had to replace all the control arms, hardware and end links lol...
  8. so between the rugar,kel tec, s&w and the taurus which one would you guys recomend?
  9. 24,000 :eek: http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/2236261752.html
  10. anything that can rust underneath the car... will.
  11. Nope, she liked it so i bought it. It was priced at 180.00 on sale during the holidays. Would of never paid full price at 295.00 for the watch.
  12. I bought a michele for the woman from saks fifth ave...Which is a product of michael kors and the watch is of great quality for the price. Once my cars done im going back for a michael kors. They do have skeleton watches in the display case, i think they were around 250-500
  13. I would stay away from the focus, they are rust buckets.
  14. Next pay check hes buying a NOS intercooler spray kit.
  15. Or he will try to meet you in a back alley, set the car on fire and give it back to you.
  16. Buy car...call jones...pay $4,000 for full coverage on said car.....drive car straight into a wall.... Jones will repay you $1500 for total value of said car. Profit??????????
  17. Jones: Calling people out since 2001. He sold it for $1000.00.
  18. Click the link below to see his new set up... http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.speedzonemotorsports.com/images/P/image.php-963.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.speedzonemotorsports.com/product.php%3Fproductid%3D2370%26js%3Dn&usg=__RzBhvHyK-SA__S7IHpP5s1TwzgM=&h=450&w=450&sz=173&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=72iRnuw3xs9VDM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=115&ei=RR9oTcr4JIGC8gb0zbWmCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfront%2Bmount%2Bair%2Bintake%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1345%26bih%3D519%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=201&oei=RR9oTcr4JIGC8gb0zbWmCw&page=1&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0&tx=61&ty=72
  19. /Thread I loaned a close friend $8,000... he has untill march 15th to pay up + $500 for loaning it to him. Luckily he will have my money back early on monday, he had to liquidate some stocks to do so but thats his deal not mine. Your friend is a good guy, because he hasnt kicked your door down yet.
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