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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. we have already talked bro, we will see. I was getting my base and a cut of net profits a month when i was proposing the buy in.
  2. I know, i have a job at the drop of a call. Its better pay, more benefits and less hours. But i like to see things through i feel like this is my baby. I have built it and put everything together. When i came on board there was nothing. Now we have everything going for us. I am going to request a sit down meeting first and then bring in the 3 managers i hired and trained. We will see the outcome, all three of them are either friends or people i worked with in the past. I pretty much know that if they let me go or i decide to walk everyone of them will leave. Its really a sad position i am in, but it is life and that is why i keep my contacts close.
  3. I understand that, but how am i threatening anything when my boss is the owner of the company? He always talks about how the leaders of any company should have some ownership in any company. Whether it is sweat equity or buying into the company. I laid 20k out on the table for them and they wouldnt allow me to buy in at 15% ownership.
  4. Thanks Anthony Thanks, Hemi
  5. I am the district manager of sales for a personal training company. They recently created a new position for me, as we are expanding and are kind of at a stop as far as production. We are currently opening 3 more gyms, well sunday we had a meeting and decided that i would take more of an overall sales role among all the clubs. My current title is district manager, well my boss took that as i am to follow task and check lists. Well a few months into it, that is not my role and that was never to be my role. It pretty much took me out of the sales role completely. I hired and trained my sales managers that are currently in place at each location. The past 3 months we have seen the highest profits since the company opened a year ago. Now fast foreward, they dropped me out of district after these past few months because one of my bosses believes he can do my job. So they want me to travel from gym to gym and sell. Now a few things wrong with this. One: Floor sets are one way of getting infront of people, most of the time they have allready been pitched or declined the assessment. If i am a traveling salesman then there is no time to set floor sets as you must be in the club for a week depending on when people want set. Two: taking my training directors sets and pulling from their pocket. Three: Floor pulls, causing customer service complaints as i just interrupted your workout. I beat you up and i just asked you for more money and it was a total blind side. Four: They follow through and pay my base while i write what i can without starving out the other employees untill hilliard opens in august and i go down to training director pay. I see no good coming from this, when i could of just maintaned my current position as district manager of sales and maintained the company that i brought back from the dead. Its funny 4 months of hard work i have increased their total sales from 221k to 683k. I have trained and hired every employee we have and set up the checks and balances systems. I sent my boss an email asking for an explanation.
  6. +1 for leigh, he is a good dude!
  7. Quoted for the truth. Lifting heavy is fun but all the injuries i have sustained have finally claimed my love for powerlifting. Taking a year off and ill start bodybuilding next year. Good numbers, they are about where they should be.
  8. Sunoco or shell, thats all i will ever use.
  9. + rep I have always liked these.
  10. 2pointslow


    When she gets pissy ask her why she is out of the kitchen? I did this to my woman and it granted me 2 days of silence... Silence is the best gift ever!!!
  11. Yes it is matt, hes a big dude. Side note from your side note: No matter what you lift, i will always be the strongest LB for LB on the board..
  12. lies.. Has to be competition form... not football form. Daddy cant buy you strength bro!
  13. you are highly mistaken my friend... I dont workout anymore and i can no warm up bench 420 @ 175lbs At my competition weight i was 186 and yes the numbers below are raw and drug tested. Best lifts: Bench-482 Squat-505 Dead-635 Training Partners Include: Adam Oster JL Holdsworth Matt Whenning Jason pegg Dave Meek Chuck Vogelphol Etc... Many board members can vouch for my strength as well. Goals For 2011: Maintain Strength and stay away from the gym as much as possible.
  14. 2pointslow


    I was told to never trust something that bleeds for 7 days and doesnt die.
  15. Go with anthem, they are decent.
  16. Call my dad..He does all the work for sizzle marine and many other companies. Tell him his son sent you. Bruce 614-623-0889
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