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Everything posted by foreverLaur

  1. It was via plane. I drive a 98 Honda Accord so there are millions of them on the road. I saw one fly by me and then saw a copy fly by me with the sirens on. Next thing I know, I see the cop up ahead going really slow. I pass it. It gets behind me and writes me a ticket for going 80 in a 65. I had my cruise control set to 69 and was following my mother and grandmother. Apparently he couldn't catch the other Honda Accord so he just pulled me over instead. My suspicisions were pretty much confirmed when he asked the judge to lower the penalty to 69 in a 65. The cop conveniently didn't write my license plate # on the ticket either. Grr.
  2. i did a speech on why we shouldn't have speed limits, or why they should be raised. I got an A If you want any details on the research i found, PM me.
  3. Red light tickets aren't always running a red light. I had an instance where I slammed on my brakes but realized the car behind me had every intention of going thorugh the light still. I decided to go so I wouldn't get rear ended. This was quite evident on the video, but I was told that they "didn't care." They couldn't make exceptions for me because then they were have to make exceptions for everyone elses lame excuses. The ticket said the light had been red for 0.02 seconds when the front of my car hit underneath the camera. $100 down the drain - guess it is better than an accident :-\ *sigh* I didn't go to court because when I got a speeding ticket (wasn't me) I went to court to fight it and even though the cop and prosecutor admitted that they weren't sure it was me and wanted to drop it to going 69 in a 65, the judge still made me pay the speeding ticket, get the points, and pay court fees. After that I decided it was not worth it to go to court. Our main news station did a long standing study on red light tickets.. whether they were for safety or revenue. They studied accident reports at intersections before the cameras were installed and after. They studied back to a year before and a year after the installations. The results were the same. Traffic accidents had not increased and they had no decreased. Basically they concluded they were for revenue only. Oh and I don't think the cameras get you for turning right on red. In my picture and video, you could see a car turning LEFT after me. Clearly a left on red. They said the cameras didn't pick that up because they assumed it was someone going through the other intersection, which had a green light.
  4. you'd have to get his permission to post those on here.
  5. because i'm in Ohio and he's in England can't take 'em on his car til he gets back!
  6. Wait til August. He'll post a much better picture of me being his hood ornament
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